집 >데이터 베이스 >MySQL 튜토리얼 >自制Ping(3) IcmpSendEcho2Ex Demo
IP Helper 可能需要WDK支持, 我本机装了WDK, 没试过不用会怎样. 由于IcmpSendEcho2Ex()回调的形式乎与我的WDK有所冲突, 所以这里只演示阻塞模式. Event应该不受影响. Demo下载地址: http://download.csdn.net/detail/ren0065/8388105 主要代码: void CPingTe
IP Helper 可能需要WDK支持, 我本机装了WDK, 没试过不用会怎样.
由于IcmpSendEcho2Ex()回调的形式似乎与我的WDK有所冲突, 所以这里只演示阻塞模式. Event应该不受影响.
Demo下载地址: http://download.csdn.net/detail/ren0065/8388105
void CPingTest1Dlg::OnBnClickedBtnPing() { // TODO: 在此添加控件通知处理程序代码 UpdateData(TRUE); HANDLE h_icmp = IcmpCreateFile(); IPAddr ip_source = inet_addr(cs_source_ip_); IPAddr ip_destination = inet_addr(cs_destination_ip_); WORD w_request_data_size = atoi(cs_request_size_); LPVOID p_request_data = calloc(1, w_request_data_size); PIP_OPTION_INFORMATION p_option_info = NULL; LPVOID p_reply_data = calloc(1, sizeof(ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) + 8 + w_request_data_size); DWORD dw_reply_data_size = sizeof(ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) + 8 + w_request_data_size; DWORD dw_timeout = atoi(cs_timeout_); DWORD dw_result = IcmpSendEcho2Ex( h_icmp , NULL , NULL , NULL , ip_source , ip_destination , p_request_data , w_request_data_size , p_option_info , p_reply_data , dw_reply_data_size , dw_timeout); free(p_request_data); cs_output_.Empty(); if (dw_result == 0) { DWORD dw_error = GetLastError(); CString cs_error_msg; switch (dw_error) { case ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER: cs_error_msg = "无效参数. 当IcmpHandle是一个无效handle或ReplySize的值小于ICMP_ECHO_REPLY或ICMP_ECHO_REPLY32时会返回该错误."; break; case ERROR_IO_PENDING: cs_error_msg = "异步处理正在进行中.调用IcmpSendEcho2Ex异步模式成功时会返回该值, 不是错误."; break; case ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY: cs_error_msg = "内存不足"; break; case ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED: cs_error_msg = "不支持该请求.如果本地计算机没有IPv4协议栈将返回该错误."; break; case IP_BUF_TOO_SMALL: cs_error_msg = "ReplySize指定的太小."; break; default: { HLOCAL hLocal = NULL; DWORD dwErr = GetLastError(); DWORD systemLocale = MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_NEUTRAL); DWORD fOK = FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS | FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER, NULL, dwErr, systemLocale, (LPTSTR)&hLocal, 0, NULL); cs_error_msg = (LPCTSTR)LocalLock(hLocal); break; } } cs_output_ = cs_error_msg; } else { CString cs_buffer; PICMP_ECHO_REPLY pEchoReply = (PICMP_ECHO_REPLY)p_reply_data; struct in_addr ReplyAddr; ReplyAddr.S_un.S_addr = pEchoReply->Address; cs_buffer.Format("Sent icmp message from %s to %s\r\n", cs_source_ip_, cs_destination_ip_); cs_output_ += cs_buffer; if (dw_result > 1) { cs_buffer.Format("Received %ld icmp message responses\r\n", dw_result); cs_output_ += cs_buffer; cs_buffer.Format("Information from the first response:\r\n"); cs_output_ += cs_buffer; } else { cs_buffer.Format("Received %ld icmp message response\r\n", dw_result); cs_output_ += cs_buffer; cs_buffer.Format("Information from this response:\r\n"); cs_output_ += cs_buffer; } cs_buffer.Format("Received from %s\r\n", inet_ntoa(ReplyAddr)); cs_output_ += cs_buffer; cs_buffer.Format("Status = %ld ", pEchoReply->Status); cs_output_ += cs_buffer; if (pEchoReply->Status != IP_SUCCESS) { DWORD dw_status_err_msg_size = 1024; PWSTR cw_str_error = (PWSTR)calloc(1, dw_status_err_msg_size); GetIpErrorString(pEchoReply->Status, cw_str_error, &dw_status_err_msg_size); cs_output_ = WS2S(cw_str_error).c_str(); free(cw_str_error); } else { cs_buffer.Format("(Successful)\r\n"); cs_output_ += cs_buffer; cs_buffer.Format("RTT: %d\r\n", pEchoReply->RoundTripTime); cs_output_ += cs_buffer; cs_buffer.Format("SIZE: %d\r\n", pEchoReply->DataSize); cs_output_ += cs_buffer; cs_buffer.Format("TTL: %d\r\n", pEchoReply->Options.Ttl); cs_output_ += cs_buffer; } } UpdateData(FALSE); free(p_reply_data); IcmpCloseHandle(h_icmp); }