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SQLServer2005 remove log file.

2016-06-07 15:34:541252검색

Issue: SQL server does not work when the log file occupied all the disk space. Resolution: Remove the LOG file data . Step: 1. Backup your database. 2. Detach your database. 3. Check the close connection box. 4. Remove you log file or rena

Issue: SQL server does not work when the log file occupied all the disk space.

Resolution: Remove the LOG file data .


1. Backup your database.

2. Detach your database.

SQLServer2005 remove log file.

3. Check the close connection box.

4. Remove you log file or rename it from the data path.

5. Attach you DB mdf again.

6. Remove the LDF  item  from the warning dialog list.

7. Attach DB successfully, and there is a new LDF file will created with 500K.



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