Map API Map() constructor
Create a Google Map:
<html> <head> <script src=""> </script> <script> function initialize() { var mapOpt = { center:new google.maps.LatLng(51.508742,-0.120850), zoom:5, mapTypeId:google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP }; var map=new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("googleMap"),mapOpt); } google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', initialize); </script> </head> <body> <div id="googleMap" style="width:500px;height:380px;"></div> </body> </html>
Run Instance»
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Definition and usage
The Map() constructor creates a new map and inserts it into the specified HTML element middle(<div> elements).
new google.maps.Map(HTMLElement,MapOptions)
Parameter value
Parameter | Description |
HTMLElement | Specifies which HTML element the map should be placed in. |
MapOptions | A MapOptions object with map initialization variables/options. |
Map() method
Method | Return value | Description |
fitBounds(LatLngBounds) | None | Sets the viewport to contain the given bounds. |
getBounds() | LatLng,LatLng | Returns the southwest latitude/longitude and northeast latitude/longitude of the current viewport . |
getCenter() | LatLng | Returns the latitude/longitude of the center of the map. |
getDiv() | Node | Returns the DOM object containing the map. |
getHeading() | number | Returns the compass heading of the aerial image (supports SATELLITE and HYBRID map types). |
getMapTypeId() | HYBRID ROADMAP SATELLITE TERRAIN | Returns the current map type. |
getProjection() | Projection | Returns the current Projection. |
getStreetView() | StreetViewPanorama | Returns the default StreetViewPanorama bound to the map. |
getTilt() | number | Returns the incident angle number of the aerial image (supports SATELLITE and HYBRID map types). |
getZoom() | #number | Returns the current zoom level of the map. |
panBy(xnumber,ynumber) | None | Changes the center of the map by the given distance in pixels. |
panTo(LatLng) | None | Changes the center of the map to the given LatLng. |
panToBounds(LatLngBounds) | None | Pans the map the minimum distance required to contain the given LatLngBounds. |
setCenter(LatLng) | None | |
number) | NoneSet the compass direction (measured in degrees) of the aerial image, with the cardinal direction being north. | |
MapTypeId) | NoneChange the map type to be displayed. | |
MapOptions) | None||
)None | Bind a StreetViewPanorama to the map. | |
)None | Set the incident angle number of aerial images (supports SATELLITE and HYBRID map types) . | |
)None |
Type | Description | |
Array.<MVCArray.<Node>> | Additional controls to attach to the map. | |
MapTypeRegistry | A registry of MapType instances by string ID. | |
MVCArray.<MapType> | Additional map types to overlay. |
Parameters | Description | |
None | This event is triggered when the visual area range changes. | |
None | This event is triggered when the map center property changes. | |
MouseEvent | This event is fired when the user clicks on the map (but not on the marker or info window) . | |
MouseEvent | This event is triggered when the user double-clicks the map. Note that the click event is also fired before this event is fired. | |
None | This event will be triggered repeatedly when the user drags the map. | |
None | This event is triggered when the user stops dragging the map. | |
None | This event is fired when the user starts dragging the map. | |
None | This event is triggered when the map heading property changes. | |
None | This event is fired when the map becomes idle after panning or zooming. | |
None | This event is triggered when the mapTypeId property changes. | |
MouseEvent | This event is triggered whenever the user's mouse moves over the map container. | |
MouseEvent | This event is triggered when the user's mouse exits from the map container. | |
MouseEvent | This event is triggered when the user's mouse enters the map container. | |
None | This event is fired when the projection changes. | |
None | This event is triggered when the map (div) changes size. | |
MouseEvent | This event is triggered when the user right-clicks on the map. | |
None | This event will be triggered when the visible tiles are loaded. | |
None | This event is triggered when the map tilt property changes. | |
None | This event is triggered when the map zoom property changes. |