JavaScript object instance
Use built-in JavaScript object instances.
String (string) object
Returns the length of the string
Add style to the string
Returns the position where the specified text first appears in the string - indexOf() method
Looks for a specific character in the string, and if found, returns the character - match() method
Replace characters in a string - replace()
More string object examples in our JavaScript String Object Reference Manual.
Date (date) object
Use the Date() method to return today’s date and time
Use getTime() to calculate the number of milliseconds from 1970 to today
Use setFullYear() to set a specific date
Use toUTCString () Convert today's date (according to UTC) to a string
Use getDay() to display the day of the week, not just the number
Show a clock
For more Date object examples, see our JavaScript Date Object Reference.
Array (array) object
Create array
Merge two arrays - concat( )
Combine three arrays - concat()
Use the elements of the array to form a string - join()
Delete the last element of the array - pop()
Add a new element to the end of the array - push()
Reverse the order of elements in an array - reverse()
Delete the first element of the array - shift()
From Select elements in an array - slice()
Sort the array (ascending alphabetically) - sort()
Sort numerically (sort by Numerical order ascending) - sort()
Numerical sorting (numeric order descending) - sort()
at 2nd position in the array Add an element - splice()
Convert array to string -toString()
Add new element at the beginning of the array - unshift( )
For more examples of Array objects, see our JavaScript Array object reference.
Boolean (Boolean) object
Check logical value
More Boolean (Boolean) ) object object example, in our JavaScript Boolean Object Reference Manual.
Math (arithmetic) object
Use round() to round numbers
Use random() to return a random number between 0 and 1
Use max() to return the larger of two given numbers
Use min() to return the smaller of two given numbers
Celsius and Fahrenheit conversion
Use the statement through object elements
More Math object examples are in our JavaScript Math Object Reference.