JavaScript code specifications
All JavaScript
The same standards apply to projects.
JavaScript code specifications
Code specifications usually include the following aspects:
Naming rules for variables and functions
Rules for using spaces, indents, and comments.
Other commonly used specifications...
Standard code can be easier to read and maintain.
Code specifications are generally stipulated before development and can be negotiated and set with your team members.
Variable name
It is recommended to use camel case for variable names (camelCase):
firstName = " John";
lastName = "Doe";
price = 19.90;
tax = 0.20;
fullPrice = price + (price * tax);
Space and operator
Normal operations You need to add spaces before and after the symbols ( = + - * / ):
var x = y + z;
var values = ["Volvo", "Saab",
Code indentation
Usually use 4 space symbols to indent code blocks:
function toCelsius(fahrenheit) {
return (5 / 9) * (fahrenheit - 32);
 | ##It is not recommended to use the TAB key to Indentation, because different editors interpret the TAB key differently. |
Statement Rules
General rules for simple statements:
var values = ["Volvo", "Saab",
var person = {
firstName: "John",
lastName: "Doe",
age: 50,
General rules for complex statements:
Put the opening curly brace on the first line the end of.
Add a space before the left curly brace.
Put the closing curly brace on its own line.
Don't end a complex statement with a semicolon.
function toCelsius(fahrenheit) {
return (5 / 9) * (fahrenheit - 32);
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
x += i;
Conditional statement:
if (time < 20 ) {
greeting = "Good day";
} else {
greeting = "Good evening";
Object rules
Object-defined rules:
Put the opening curly brace on the same line as the class name.
There is a space between the colon and the attribute value.
Use double quotes for strings, not for numbers.
Do not add a comma after the last attribute-value pair.
Put the right curly brace on a separate line and end it with a symbol.
var person = {
firstName: "John",
lastName: "Doe",
age: 50,
Short object code can be written directly in one line:
var person = {firstName:"John" , lastName:"Doe", age:50, eyeColor:"blue"};
each line Code characters should be less than 80
It is recommended that each line of characters be less than 80 for ease of reading.
If a JavaScript statement exceeds 80 characters, it is recommended to break the line after the operator or comma.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<h1>我的 Web 页面</h1>
<p id="demo"></p>
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML =
"Hello php.";
Run instance»Click the "Run instance" button to view the online instance
Naming rules
Generally, the naming rules of many code languages are similar, for example:
- ##Variables and functions are in camel case (
- Global variables are in uppercase (
- Constants (such as PI) are in uppercase (
Whether you use these rules for variable naming: hyp-hens, camelCase, or under_scores ?
Handbar (-) character in HTML and CSS:
HTML5 attributes can start with data- (eg: data-quantity, data -price) as a prefix. CSS uses - to connect property names (font-size).  | - is generally considered subtraction in JavaScript, so is not allowed. |
Many programmers prefer to use underscores (such as: date_of_birth), especially in SQL
in the database. PHP language usually uses underscores. PascalCase:
PascalCase is more common in C language. Camel case: It is generally recommended to use camel case in JavaScript. jQuery and other JavaScript libraries use camel case.  | Do not start variable names with $ as it will conflict with many JavaScript libraries. |
HTML Load external JavaScript files
Load JavaScript files using a concise format (the type attribute is not required):
##<script src="myscript.js">
##Use JavaScript to access HTML Elements
A poorly formatted HTML may cause JavaScript execution errors.
The following two JavaScript statements will output different results:
Instance<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<p id="Demo">段落 1。</p>
<p id="demo">段落 2。</p>
// 只有段落 2 会被替换
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = "HELLO.";
Run Example»
Click the "Run Example" button to view the online example Try to use the same naming rules for HTML and JavaScript.
Access HTML(5) code specifications.
File extension
HTML file suffix can be
.html (or r .htm). CSS file suffix is
.css. JavaScript file suffix is
Use lowercase filenames
Most web servers (Apache, Unix) are case-sensitive: london.jpg cannot be accessed via London.jpg.
Other web servers (Microsoft, IIS) are not case sensitive: london.jpg can be accessed as London.jpg or london.jpg.
You must maintain a consistent style. We recommend using lowercase file names uniformly.