Highcharts configuration syntax
In this chapter we will introduce you to some configurations of using Highcharts to generate charts.
Step one: Create an HTML page
Create an HTML page and introduce jQuery and Highcharts libraries:
File name: HighchartsTest.htm
<html> <head> <title>Highcharts 教程 | php中文网</title> <script src="http://apps.bdimg.com/libs/jquery/2.1.4/jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="/try/demo_source/highcharts.js"></script> </head> <body> <div id="container" style="width: 550px; height: 400px; margin: 0 auto"></div> <script language="JavaScript"> $(document).ready(function() { }); </script> </body> </html>
Example The div with the id container is used to contain charts drawn by Highcharts.
Step 2: Create the configuration file
The Highcharts library uses json format for configuration.
Here json means using json data format and json format configuration to draw charts. The steps are as follows:
Configure the title for the chart:
var title = { text: '月平均气温' };
Configure the subtitle for the chart:
var subtitle = { text: 'Source: php.cn' };
X axis
Configure the items to be displayed on the X-axis.
var xAxis = { categories: ['一月', '二月', '三月', '四月', '五月', '六月' ,'七月', '八月', '九月', '十月', '十一月', '十二月'] };
Y axis
Configure the items to be displayed on the Y axis.
var yAxis = { title: { text: 'Temperature (\xB0C)' }, plotLines: [{ value: 0, width: 1, color: '#808080' }] };
Prompt information
Configuration prompt information:
var tooltip = { valueSuffix: '\xB0C' }
Display method
Configure the chart to align to the right:
var legend = { layout: 'vertical', align: 'right', verticalAlign: 'middle', borderWidth: 0 };
Configure the data to be displayed in the chart. Each series is an array, and each item generates a curve in the picture.
var series = [ { name: 'Tokyo', data: [7.0, 6.9, 9.5, 14.5, 18.2, 21.5, 25.2, 26.5, 23.3, 18.3, 13.9, 9.6] }, { name: 'New York', data: [-0.2, 0.8, 5.7, 11.3, 17.0, 22.0, 24.8, 24.1, 20.1, 14.1, 8.6, 2.5] }, { name: 'Berlin', data: [-0.9, 0.6, 3.5, 8.4, 13.5, 17.0, 18.6, 17.9, 14.3, 9.0, 3.9, 1.0] }, { name: 'London', data: [3.9, 4.2, 5.7, 8.5, 11.9, 15.2, 17.0, 16.6, 14.2, 10.3, 6.6, 4.8] } ];
Step 3: Create json data
The combination is composed of configuration information:
var json = {}; json.title = title; json.subtitle = subtitle; json.xAxis = xAxis; json.yAxis = yAxis; json.tooltip = tooltip; json.legend = legend; json.series = series; Step 4: Draw the chart $('#container').highcharts(json);
The following is a complete example (HighchartsTest.htm) :
<html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <title>Highcharts 教程 | php中文网(php.cn)</title> <script src="http://apps.bdimg.com/libs/jquery/2.1.4/jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="http://code.highcharts.com/highcharts.js"></script> </head> <body> <div id="container" style="width: 550px; height: 400px; margin: 0 auto"></div> <script language="JavaScript"> $(document).ready(function() { var title = { text: '月平均气温' }; var subtitle = { text: 'Source: php.cn' }; var xAxis = { categories: ['一月', '二月', '三月', '四月', '五月', '六月' ,'七月', '八月', '九月', '十月', '十一月', '十二月'] }; var yAxis = { title: { text: 'Temperature (\xB0C)' }, plotLines: [{ value: 0, width: 1, color: '#808080' }] }; var tooltip = { valueSuffix: '\xB0C' } var legend = { layout: 'vertical', align: 'right', verticalAlign: 'middle', borderWidth: 0 }; var series = [ { name: 'Tokyo', data: [7.0, 6.9, 9.5, 14.5, 18.2, 21.5, 25.2, 26.5, 23.3, 18.3, 13.9, 9.6] }, { name: 'New York', data: [-0.2, 0.8, 5.7, 11.3, 17.0, 22.0, 24.8, 24.1, 20.1, 14.1, 8.6, 2.5] }, { name: 'Berlin', data: [-0.9, 0.6, 3.5, 8.4, 13.5, 17.0, 18.6, 17.9, 14.3, 9.0, 3.9, 1.0] }, { name: 'London', data: [3.9, 4.2, 5.7, 8.5, 11.9, 15.2, 17.0, 16.6, 14.2, 10.3, 6.6, 4.8] } ]; var json = {}; json.title = title; json.subtitle = subtitle; json.xAxis = xAxis; json.yAxis = yAxis; json.tooltip = tooltip; json.legend = legend; json.series = series; $('#container').highcharts(json); }); </script> </body> </html>
Run instance»
Click the "Run instance" button to view the online instance