JSLite - event handling

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blur focus focusin focusout load resize scroll unload click dblclick mousedown mouseup mousemove mouseover mouseout mouseenter mouseleave change select submit keydown keypress keyup error Add events directly to the object.



ready(function($){ ... }) ⇒ self
Add an event listener when the page dom LoadedDOMContentLoaded Triggered when the event is triggered. After loading, it is recommended to use $(func) instead of this usage.



Loading completed and executed. Same as ready method

//或者使用下面方法代替ready$(function(){    console.log("当页面dom加载完毕执行");


Bind an event handler for a specific event on each matched element. These events can be bound blur focus focusin focusout load resize scroll unload click dblclick mousedown mouseup mousemove mouseover mouseout mouseenter mouseleave change select submit keydown keypress keyup error paste drop dragover .

$("#box").bind("click", function(){


Unbind event and delete the bound event from each matching node object.

var f1=function(){alert("41");}
$("#box").bind("click",f1)   //⇒ 绑定事件
$("#box").unbind("click",f1) //⇒ 解除绑定事件

$("#box").bind("click",function(){alert("41");})   //⇒ 绑定事件
$("#box").unbind("click",function(){alert("41");}) //⇒ 解除绑定事件


on(type, [selector], function(e){ ... }) ⇒ self
on({ type: handler, type2: handler2, ... }, [selector]) ⇒ self
Bind event handlers for specific events of each matching element. These events can be bound blur focus focusin focusout load resize scroll unload click dblclick mousedown mouseup mousemove mouseover mouseout mouseenter mouseleave change select submit keydown keypress keyup error paste drop dragover .

$("#box").on("click", function(){

$("#box").on("click mouseover",function(evn){
}) //⇒ self  绑定两个事件

})//⇒ self  返回“#box”节点

    console.log("dddd","event.data.val = " + event.data.val)

$( "#box" ).on({ //绑定多个事件
    click: function() {
        $( this ).css("background","red");
    mouseover: function() {
        $( this ).css("background","yellow")
    mousedown: function() {
        $( this ).css("background","green")


Unbind the event and delete the bound event from each matching node object.

var f1=function(){alert("41");}
$("#box").on("click",f1)   //⇒ 绑定事件
$("#box").off("click",f1) //⇒ 解除绑定事件

$("#box").on("click",function(){alert("41");})   //⇒ 绑定事件
$("#box").off("click",function(){alert("41");}) //⇒ 解除绑定事件


trigger(event, [args]) ⇒ self
Triggers the specified event on the element of the matched node collection. If the args parameter is given, it will be passed as an argument to the event function.

}) //⇒ self  绑定一个事件
$("#box").trigger("abc:click",["wwww"]) //⇒ self 触发并传一个参数进去