JSLite - test operations

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Determine whether the object is [document].

$.isDocument(document) //⇒ true


Determine whether the parameter is a window (window object), and return true if so. This is useful when dealing with iframes, because each iframe has its own window object, and checking these objects using the normal method obj==window will fail.


Determine whether the object is a function [function].

$.isFunction(function(){}) //⇒ true


Determine whether it is Object.

$.isObject({})  //⇒ true


$.isPlainObject(object) ⇒ boolean
If passed "{}" or "new Object" Returns true if created. Determine whether the object is a pure object.

$.isPlainObject({})         // => true
$.isPlainObject(new Object) // => true
$.isPlainObject(new Date)   // => false
$.isPlainObject(window)     // => false


Determine whether it is an [array].

$.isArray([1,2,3])  //⇒ true


Determine whether it is an [array].

$.isJson({})  //⇒ true


$.contains(parent, node) ⇒ booleanparentwhether it contains nodeNode object.

$.contains($("#box")[0],$(".boxss")[0]) //⇒ parent是否包含node节点对象


Determine whether the object is an array or a character.

$.likeArray([1,2,3])     //⇒ true
$.likeArray("222")  //⇒ true


Get the type of JavaScript object. Possible types are: null undefined boolean number string function array date regexp object error .

$.type(true)  //⇒ Boolean
$.type("div") //⇒ String


If the current node can be found by the specified css selector, return true, otherwise return false.
$.matches(element,selector) ⇒ boolean

$.matches($("#box")[0], "#box")//⇒ true


Determine whether the element in the currently matched element set is For a selector, DOM element is(selector) ⇒ boolean
is(element) ⇒ boolean

$("#box").is("div");  //⇒ true  
$("#box").is("#box");  //⇒ true  
$("#box").is("#boxsss");  //⇒ false  
$("div").is($("#box")[0]) //⇒ true  节点是否在 $("#box")[0] 是否再集合中