jEasyUI tree grid lazy loading nodes
Sometimes we have obtained sufficient hierarchical tree grid (TreeGrid) data. We also want the TreeGrid to lazily load nodes hierarchically. First, only the top-level nodes are loaded. Then click the node's expand icon to load its child nodes. This tutorial shows how to create a TreeGrid with lazy loading.
Create a tree grid (TreeGrid)
<table id="test" title="Folder Browser" class="easyui-treegrid" style="width:700px;height:300px" data-options=" url: 'data/treegrid_data.json', method: 'get', rownumbers: true, idField: 'id', treeField: 'name', loadFilter: myLoadFilter "> <thead> <tr> <th field="name" width="220">Name</th> <th field="size" width="100" align="right">Size</th> <th field="date" width="150">Modified Date</th> </tr> </thead> </table>
In order to place loaded child nodes, we need to rename the 'children' attribute for each node. As shown in the code below, the 'children' property is renamed to 'children1'. When a node is expanded, we call the 'append' method to load its child node data.
'loadFilter' code
function myLoadFilter(data,parentId){ function setData(){ var todo = []; for(var i=0; i<data.length; i++){ todo.push(data[i]); } while(todo.length){ var node = todo.shift(); if (node.children){ node.state = 'closed'; node.children1 = node.children; node.children = undefined; todo = todo.concat(node.children1); } } } setData(data); var tg = $(this); var opts = tg.treegrid('options'); opts.onBeforeExpand = function(row){ if (row.children1){ tg.treegrid('append',{ parent: row[opts.idField], data: row.children1 }); row.children1 = undefined; tg.treegrid('expand', row[opts.idField]); } return row.children1 == undefined; }; return data; }
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