jQuery EasyUI plug-in
jQuery EasyUI provides a complete set of components for creating cross-browser web pages, including powerful datagrid (data grid), treegrid (tree table), panel (panel), combo (drop-down combination) )etc. Users can use these components in combination or use one of them individually.
Plug-in list
Base (base)
Parser parser
Easyloader loader
Draggable Draggable
Droppable Placeable
Resizable Resizable
Pagination Pagination
Searchbox Search box
Progressbar Progress bar
Tooltip prompt box
Panel panel
Tabs tab page/ Tab
Accordion Accordion Panel
Layout Layout
Menu (menu) and Button ( Button)
Menu Menu
Linkbutton Link button
Menubutton Menu button
Splitbutton split button
Form (form)
Form form
Validatebox Validation box
Combo combination
Combobox combo box
Combotree combination tree
Combogrid combination grid
Numberbox number box
Datebox date box
Datetimebox Datetimebox
Calendar Calendar
Spinner Spinner
Numberspinner Numeric spinner
Timespinner Time spinner
Slider Slider
Window Window
Dialog Dialog box
Messager Message box
DataGrid (data grid) and Tree (tree)
Datagrid Data Grid
Propertygrid Property Grid
Tree Tree
Tregrid Tree Grid
Each component of easyui has properties, methods and events. Users can easily extend these components.
Properties are defined in jQuery.fn.{plugin}.defaults. For example, the properties of dialog are defined in jQuery.fn.dialog.defaults.
Events (callback functions) are also defined in jQuery.fn.{plugin}.defaults.
Syntax for calling a method: $('selector').plugin('method', parameter);
Among them:
selector is a jquery object selector.
plugin is the plug-in name.
method is an existing method that matches the plugin.
parameter is a parameter object, which can be an object or a string...
Methods are defined in jQuery.fn.{plugin}.methods. Each method has two parameters: jq and param. The first parameter 'jq' is required and refers to the jQuery object. The second parameter 'param' refers to the actual parameter passed to the method. For example, to extend the method named 'mymove' of the dialog component, the code is as follows:
$.extend($.fn.dialog.methods, { mymove: function(jq, newposition){ return jq.each(function(){ $(this).dialog('move', newposition); }); } });
Now you can call the 'mymove' method to move the dialog box (dialog) to the specified position:
$('#dd').dialog('mymove', { left: 200, top: 100 });
Get started with jQuery EasyUI
Download the library and reference the EasyUI CSS and JavaScript files in your pages.
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="easyui/themes/default/easyui.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="easyui/themes/icon.css"> <script type="text/javascript" src="easyui/jquery-1.7.2.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="easyui/jquery.easyui.min.js"></script>
Once you have referenced the necessary files for EasyUI, you can define an EasyUI component through markup or using JavaScript. For example, to top a panel with collapsible functionality, you need to write the following HTML code:
<div id="p" class="easyui-panel" style="width:500px;height:200px;padding:10px;" title="My Panel" iconCls="icon-save" collapsible="true"> The panel content </div>
When creating components via markup, the 'data-options' attribute is used to support HTML5 compatibility since version 1.3 Property name. So you can rewrite the above code as follows:
<div id="p" class="easyui-panel" style="width:500px;height:200px;padding:10px;" title="My Panel" data-options="iconCls:'icon-save',collapsible:true"> The panel content </div>
The code below demonstrates how to create a combo box that binds the 'onSelect' event.
<input class="easyui-combobox" name="language" data-options=" url:'combobox_data.json', valueField:'id', textField:'text', panelHeight:'auto', onSelect:function(record){ alert(record.text) }">