jQuery HTML/CSS methods
jQuery HTML/CSS Methods
jQuery HTML/CSS Methods
The table below lists all the methods used to process HTML and CSS jQuery method.
The following methods apply to HTML and XML documents. Except: html() method.
Method | Description |
addClass() | Add one or more elements to the selected element Class name |
after() | Insert content after the selected element |
append() | Insert content at the end of the selected element |
appendTo() | Insert HTML element at the end of the selected element |
attr() | Set or return the attribute/value of the selected element |
before() | Insert content before the selected element |
clone() | Generate a copy of the selected element |
css() | is the selected element Sets or returns one or more style properties |
detach() | Removes the selected element (preserving data and events) |
empty() | Remove all child nodes and content from the selected element |
hasClass() | Check whether the selected element contains Specified class name |
height() | Set or return the height of the selected element |
html() | Set or return the content of the selected element |
innerHeight() | Return the height of the element (including padding, excluding border) |
innerWidth() | Returns the width of the element (including padding, excluding border) |
insertAfter() | In Insert an HTML element after the selected element |
insertBefore() | Insert an HTML element before the selected element |
offset( ) | Sets or returns the offset coordinates of the selected element (relative to the document) |
offsetParent() | Returns the first positioned ancestor Element |
outerHeight() | Returns the height of the element (including padding and border) |
outerWidth() | Returns the width of the element (including padding and border) |
position() | Returns the position of the element (relative to the parent element) |
prepend() | Insert content at the beginning of the selected element |
prependTo() | Insert content at the beginning of the selected element Insert HTML element |
prop() | Set or return the property/value of the selected element |
remove() | Remove selected elements (including data and events) |
removeAttr() | Remove one or more attributes from selected elements |
removeClass() | Remove one or more classes from the selected element |
removeProp() | Remove attributes set through the prop() method |
replaceAll() | Replace the selected elements with new HTML elements |
replaceWith() | Replace the selected element with new content |
scrollLeft() | Set or return the selected element Horizontal scroll bar position |
scrollTop() | Sets or returns the vertical scroll bar position of the selected element |
Set or return the text content of the selected element | |
Add/remove one or more elements from the selected element Switching between classes | |
unwrap() | Remove the parent element of the selected element |
val() | Set or return the selected element Attribute value (for form elements) |
width() | Set or return the width of the selected element |
Wrap each selected element with HTML elements | |
Wrap all selected elements with Wrap HTML elements | |
Wrap HTML elements around the content of each selected element | |
Escape characters or strings with special meaning in CSS selectors | |
Provides a A way to get and set specific CSS values by defining functions |