jEasyUI custom paging
The data grid (datagrid) has a built-in paging function with very good features, and it is also quite simple to customize. In this tutorial, we will create a datagrid and add some custom buttons on the paging toolbar.

Create DataGrid
<table id="tt" title="Load Data" class="easyui-datagrid" style="width:550px;height:250px" url="data/datagrid_data.json" iconCls="icon-save" pagination="true"> <thead> <tr> <th field="itemid" width="80">Item ID</th> <th field="productid" width="80">Product ID</th> <th field="listprice" width="80" align="right">List Price</th> <th field="unitcost" width="80" align="right">Unit Cost</th> <th field="attr1" width="100">Attribute</th> <th field="status" width="60" align="center">Stauts</th> </tr> </thead> </table>
Please remember to set the 'pagination' property to true so that the paging toolbar will be generated.
Custom paging toolbar
var pager = $('#tt').datagrid('getPager'); // get the pager of datagrid pager.pagination({ showPageList:false, buttons:[{ iconCls:'icon-search', handler:function(){ alert('search'); } },{ iconCls:'icon-add', handler:function(){ alert('add'); } },{ iconCls:'icon-edit', handler:function(){ alert('edit'); } }], onBeforeRefresh:function(){ alert('before refresh'); return true; } });
As you can see, we first get the pager object of the data grid (datagrid), and then recreate the paging (pagination). We hide the page list and add three new buttons.
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