Usage example

First of all, in order to demonstrate the use of multiple loggers, modify the log4j.xml configuration content as follows:

  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
          <RollingFile name="default" fileName="${sys:LOG_OUT_DIR}/default.log"
              <PatternLayout pattern="%m %n" charset="UTF-8"/>
              <SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy size="500 MB"/>

          <RollingFile name="wechat" fileName="${sys:LOG_OUT_DIR}/wechat.log"
              <PatternLayout pattern="%m %n" charset="UTF-8"/>
              <SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy size="500 MB"/>


          <Logger name="wechat" level="debug">
              <AppenderRef ref="wechat"/>

          <!-- 配置记录器级别 -->
          <Root level="debug">
              <!-- 输出设置 -->
              <AppenderRef ref="default"/>

There are two loggers configured in the above configuration file:

  • default: the default root logger, which will record all log contents;
  • wechat: a custom logger ;

Sample code:

  • Use default logger output:

    Logs.get().getLogger().debug("日志内容", e);

    Note: The default logger is specified by the logger_name parameter, and the default value is default;

  • Output the log to the wechat.log file:

    ILogger _wechat = Logs.get().getLogger("wechat");
    if (_wechat.isDebugEnabled()) {
        _wechat.debug("日志内容", e);
    // 或者