Advanced features—stored procedure calling and result set data processing

For stored procedures, the JDBC module provides the IProcedureOperator operator interface and its default interface implementation class DefaultProcedureOperator to help you complete the process. The stored procedure has the following calls Method, give an example:

  • There are input parameters and no output parameters:

    IConnectionHolder _conn = JDBC.get().getDefaultConnectionHolder();
    try {
        // 执行名称为`procedure_name`的存储过程,并向该存储过程转入两个字符串参数
        IProcedureOperator<Object[]> _opt = new DefaultProcedureOperator<Object[]>("procedure_name", _conn)
        // 遍历结果集集合
        for (List<Object[]> _item : _opt.getResultSets()) {
            ResultSetHelper.bind(_item).forEach(new ResultSetHelper.ItemHandler() {
                public boolean handle(ResultSetHelper.ItemWrapper wrapper, int row) throws Exception {
                    System.out.println(wrapper.toObject(new ArchiveVObject()).toJSON());
                    return true;
    } finally {
  • Yes Input and output parameters:

    IConnectionHolder _conn = JDBC.get().getDefaultConnectionHolder();
    try {
        // 通过addOutParameter方法按存储过程输出参数顺序指定JDBC参数类型
        new DefaultProcedureOperator("procedure_name", _conn)
                .execute(new IProcedureOperator.IOutResultProcessor() {
                    public void process(int idx, int paramType, Object result) throws Exception {
    } finally {
  • Another way of writing:

    JDBC.get().openSession(new ISessionExecutor<List<List<Object[]>>>() {
        public List<List<Object[]>> execute(ISession session) throws Exception {
            // 创建存储过程操作器对象
            IProcedureOperator<Object[]> _opt = new DefaultProcedureOperator<Object[]>("procedure_name", session.getConnectionHolder())
                    .setOutResultProcessor(new IProcedureOperator.IOutResultProcessor() {
                        public void process(int idx, int paramType, Object result) throws Exception {
            // 执行
            return _opt.getResultSets();