Based on the new features of YMPv2.0, the JDBC module is more flexible in processing database transactions. Any object managed by the class object manager can support transactions through the @Transaction annotation;
@Transaction annotation:
Parameter description:
value: transaction type (refer to JDBC transaction type), the default is JDBC.TRANSACTION.READ_COMMITTED ;
First, the class object that requires database transaction support must declare the @Transaction annotation;
Then , add the @Transaction annotation on the class method that specifically needs to enable transaction processing;
- ## Transaction sample code:
public interface IUserService { User doGetUser(String username, String pwd); boolean doLogin(String username, String pwd); } @Bean @Transaction public class UserService implements IUserService { public User doGetUser(final String username, final String pwd) { return JDBC.get().openSession(new ISessionExecutor<User>() { public User execute(ISession session) throws Exception { Cond _cond = Cond.create().eq("username").param(username).eq("pwd").param(pwd); return session.findFirst(EntitySQL.create(User.class), Where.create(_cond)); } }); } @Transaction public boolean doLogin(String username, String pwd) { User _user = doGetUser(username, pwd); if (_user != null) { _user.setLastLoginTime(System.currentTimeMillis()); _user.update(); // return true; } return false; } } @Bean public class TransDemo { @Inject private IUserService __userService; public boolean testTrans() { return __userService.doLogin("suninformation", "123456"); } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { YMP.get().init(); try { TransDemo _demo = YMP.get().getBean(TransDemo.class); _demo.testTrans(); } finally { YMP.get().destroy(); } } }