Create project

JFinal recommends using Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers as the development environment. Click here to download

IDEA users can quickly get started here:

1) Create a Dynamic Web Project

2) Fill in the basic information of the project

Note: Target runtime must select <None>

# 3) Modify the Default Output Folder, it is recommended to enter WebRoot\WEB-INF \classes

Special note: The Default out folder here must be completely consistent with the WebRoot\WEB-INF\classes directory before JFinal integration can be used Jetty to start the project.

4) Modify Content directory, it is recommended to enter WebRoot

201609301123453448.png Note: This is also You can use the default value WebContent, but the WebRoot\WEB-INF\classes in the previous step needs to be changed to WebContent\WEB-INF\classes to correspond.