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sublime-text3 - 如何安装从github上下载的sublime插件?



# Installation

To install SideBarEnhancements, Install Package Control 2 First. See: <https://sublime.wbond.net/installation>

Then after restarting, with package control Install this Package.

WARNING: Manual installation:

-   We don't have time to workaround, provide support and follow threads of all the possible problems that installing manually can cause.
-   Most users will clone this repo, with sublime opened, which will Install the version of the package for ST2 on ST3, if you do this with ST3 and opened, the installation is likely screwed up.
-   Install with package control please.

Troubleshooting Installation:

If you have problems with the installation, do this:

-   First please note this package only adds a context menu to the "Folders" section and not to the "Open Files" section.
-   Open the package folder. Main menu -\> Preferences -\> Browse Packages.
-   Close Sublime Text.
-   Remove the folder "Packages/SideBarEnhancements"
-   Remove the folder "User/SideBarEnhancements"
-   Navigate one folder up, to "Installed Packages/", check for any instance of SideBarEnhancements and remove it.
-   Open ST, with Package Control go to : Remove Package, check for any instance of SideBarEnhancements and remove it.
-   Restart ST
-   Open ST, check if there is any entry about SideBarEnhancements in Package Control(in sections: "Remove Package" and just in case in "Enable Package")
-   Repeat until you find there no entry about SideBarEnhancements
-   Restart ST
-   Install it via Package Control.
-   It works


  • 迷茫

    迷茫2017-05-02 09:23:01

    この Web サイト https://packagecontrol.io/installation にアクセスし、指示に従って Package Control をインストールし、Sublime Text を再起動し、Package Control でこのプラグインを検索してインストールしてダウンロードします。通常のプラグインのインストールと同じです。つまり、このプラグインは Sublime で直接検索してダウンロードできます。

  • 阿神

    阿神2017-05-02 09:23:01

    2. パッケージディレクトリ/Users/{user}/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages に移動し、ダウンロードしたパッケージをこのディレクトリに置きます
    3. Sublimeを再起動

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