ホームページ >テクノロジー周辺機器 >AI >人工知能が建築環境の持続可能性をどのように改善できるか


2024-04-02 14:43:01574ブラウズ


The built environment is a major source of emissions. Sustainable architecture is essential.

Without improving the sustainability of the built environment, ESG initiatives will struggle to achieve their stated goals. As in many industries, developments in artificial intelligence hold the promise of driving much-needed energy optimization.

But what exactly does AI bring to the table in preventing the depletion of natural or material resources so that future generations can continue to benefit from them? In other words, how can AI be used to create tangible sustainability solutions? ?

Artificial Intelligence and Sustainability

As we all know, sustainability combines environmental, social and economic aspects. This is an important process that addresses the environmental challenges facing our planet while simultaneously promoting social equality and ensuring economic prosperity. The goal of sustainability is to ensure a safer, healthier and more fulfilling future for all, both in the short term and for future generations. To achieve this goal, we first need to strengthen environmental protection measures, including reducing pollution, protecting biodiversity and promoting the use of renewable energy. At the same time, social justice is also essential, focusing on reducing poverty, improving education and health care, and ensuring that people enjoy equal opportunities and rights. In addition, economic prosperity is also sustainable

In the case of artificial intelligence, it is a complex technology that can mimic various aspects of human intelligence and help make informed decisions.

Artificial intelligence includes machine learning, a system that uses experience and data to learn, capable of processing large amounts of information, identifying patterns and anomalies, and automating operations. Such systems require no programming and can improve and adapt over time. In addition, it can process large amounts of information, identify different patterns and anomalies, and perform automated actions. This gives businesses and individuals greater opportunities to process large amounts of information and discover and exploit hidden patterns and opportunities.

The phrase artificial intelligence and sustainability is becoming more and more common these days. This reflects growing interest in using artificial intelligence to support sustainable strategy and development. The use of artificial intelligence to address environmental and social challenges is a trend that is evident in media reports, academic literature, and industry discussions.

Moreover, buildings account for 36% of global final energy consumption and 39% of energy and process-related CO2 emissions (International Energy Agency).

With this knowledge in mind, let’s explore how artificial intelligence can be used to truly transform buildings’ sustainability efforts and net-zero goals?

How can artificial intelligence support sustainability in the built environment?

  • Energy consumption management.
  • Workplace comfort monitoring.
  • Renewable energy integration.
  • Resource management.
  • reduce waste.

These are just some of the concrete ways artificial intelligence can support sustainability in the built environment. But how exactly does the built environment take advantage of these capabilities?

In short, it’s all about integrating artificial intelligence into smart building technology. By doing this, a super power is created. A highly sophisticated system capable of leveraging advanced data analytics to process and interpret vast amounts of information from connected devices and sensors, and leveraging machine learning for processes, reactions and automation.

All of these can optimize various building functions in real time, improve efficiency, save costs, optimize energy use, enhance user experience in the built environment, and contribute to sustainable development. Let’s dig a little deeper into this.

Here are 9 ways artificial intelligence can optimize the built environment:

1. Energy consumption management

Artificial intelligence uses advanced algorithms and data analysis to improve building energy-related Process and system efficiency.

2. Predictive Analytics

Predictive analytics are used to predict and analyze energy usage patterns based on historical data, climate conditions and other relevant factors.

By fully understanding how and when energy is consumed, AI-based systems are able to predict peak demand times and appropriately optimize building operating systems.

3. Occupancy Sensors

Artificial intelligence works in conjunction with occupancy sensors to dynamically respond to digital changes in various areas of the building.

Vacant or low-occupancy areas will automatically reduce energy consumption, such as by adjusting lighting levels or lowering HVAC settings to save energy without compromising occupant comfort or building safety.

4. Equipment Operation

When selecting and operating equipment, artificial intelligence can help by analyzing performance data based on specific needs and recommending options and improvements.

For example, AI can automatically optimize HVAC system performance by adjusting temperature and airflow based on real-time occupancy and environmental conditions. It can also automatically reduce indoor lighting when natural light increases outside, and vice versa.

5. Fault Detection and Maintenance

By constantly monitoring performance and relaying anomalies captured by sound and vibration sensors, AI systems can efficiently and quickly identify building systems, machinery or ongoing failures or inefficiencies in the factory.


6. 再生可能エネルギーの統合


人工知能の最も強力な側面の 1 つは、時間をかけて特別にトレーニングし、学習できることです。たとえば、さまざまな時間帯や季節における建物のエネルギー消費パターンを学習し、それらに合わせたエネルギー使用の最適化の前例を設けることができます。

7. エネルギー使用量の監視


8. 無駄の削減


AI を活用したスマート在庫システムは、供給を効率的に管理するのに役立ちます。リソースのニーズを予測する機能により、過剰な在庫が回避され、未使用または期限切れのアイテムによる無駄の可能性が削減されます。



9. 職場の福祉





マイクロソフトが委託し、PwC が実施した調査では、2030 年までに環境用途での人工知能の利用は、経済的貢献が 5 兆 2,000 億米ドルに達すると推定されています。 、通常と比較して4.4%増加しました。

さらに、人工知能の適用により、2030 年に世界の温室効果ガス (GHG) 排出量を 4% 削減できることが研究で示されています。これは二酸化炭素換算で 24 億トンに相当し、オーストラリア、カナダ、カナダの気候に相当します。 2030 年の日本の年間総排出量。

人工知能はすでに持続可能性をサポートする上で重要な役割を果たしています。特に建築環境において、AI はデータに基づいた豊富な洞察を提供し、予測分析とリアルタイム監視を通じて、建物をより無駄のない方法で運用し、エネルギー消費を最適化し、職場の快適性を向上させ、全体的な環境を改善する機会を特定することを可能にします。インパクト。



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