ホームページ >システムチュートリアル >Linux >Bash スクリプトを使用して、シンプルで実用的な Linux ヘルス チェック ツールを作成する
$ vim linuxmi
#! /bin/bash #color notes NC='\033[0m' GREEN='\033[0;32m' RED='\033[0;31m' YELLOW='\033[0;33m' cyan='\033[0;36m' yellow='\033[0;33m' #Sectioning ......... echo -e "${YELLOW}---------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------${NC}" echo "Server details:" echo -e "${YELLOW}--------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -${NC}" #fetching basic specs from the server(user,ip,os) user=`whoami` echo -e "${cyan}User:${NC} $user" hostname=`hostname` echo -e "${cyan}hostname:${NC} $hostname" ip=`hostname -I` echo -e "${cyan}IP address:${NC} $ip" os=`cat /etc/os-release | grep 'NAME\|VERSION' | grep -v 'VERSION_ID' | grep -v 'PRETTY_NAME' | grep NAME` echo -e "${cyan}OS:${NC} $os" #Sectioning..... echo -e "${YELLOW}------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------${NC}" echo "Service status:" echo -e "${YELLOW}------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------${NC}" sleep 1 #checking tomcat status echo -e "${yellow}1) Tomcat${NC}" #grepping tomcat status from ps aux pp=`ps aux | grep tomcat | grep "[D]java.util"` if [[ $pp =~ "-Xms512M" ]];then echo -e " Status: ${GREEN}UP${NC}" else echo -e " Status: ${RED}DOWN${NC}" fi echo "" #function to check apache is running or not! function apache(){ echo -e "${yellow}2) Apache-httpd${NC}" #grepping apache status from ps aux httpd=`ps aux | grep httpd | grep apache` if [[ $httpd =~ "apache" ]];then echo -e " Status: ${GREEN}UP${NC}" else echo -e " Status: ${RED}DOWN${NC}" fi } #function to check elastic is running or not function elastic(){ echo -e "${yellow}3) Elasticsearch${NC}" #grepping elasticsearch status from ps aux elastic=`ps aux | grep elasticsearch` if [[ $elastic =~ "elastic+" ]];then echo -e " Status: ${GREEN}UP${NC}" else echo -e " Status: ${RED}DOWN${NC}" fi #function to check mysql is running or not } function mysql(){ echo -e "${yellow}4) Mysql${NC}" #grepping mysql status from ps aux mysql=`ps aux | grep mysqld` if [[ $mysql =~ "mysqld" ]];then echo -e " Status: ${GREEN}UP${NC}" else echo -e " Status: ${RED}DOWN${NC}" fi } function docker(){ echo -e "${yellow}5) Docker${NC}" #grepping docker status from ps aux docker=`systemctl status docker | grep dead` if [[ $docker =~ "dead" ]];then echo -e " Status: ${GREEN}UP${NC}" else echo -e " Status: ${RED}DOWN${NC}" fi } #calling functions apache echo "" elastic echo "" mysql echo "" docker echo "" #Sectioning............ #Fetching mem and cpu informations echo -e "${YELLOW}-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------${NC}" echo "Memory Details:" echo -e "${YELLOW}---------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------${NC}" sleep 1 #view mem info free -h #get uptime details uptime=$(uptime | awk '{print $3,$4}' | cut -f1 -d,) echo -e "${cyan}System Uptime:${NC} :$uptime" #Fetching the load average loadaverage=$(top -n 1 -b | grep "load average:" | awk '{print $10 $11 $12}') echo -e "${cyan}Load average:${NC}: $loadaverage" echo - e "${cyan}The top 10 services with high resource usage are listed below.${NC}" #Get top services with high resource utilization ps -eo pid,ppid,cmd,%mem,%cpu --sort=-%mem | head #sectioning........... #Fetching server space details! echo -e "${YELLOW}-------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -${NC}" echo "Server space Details:" echo -e "${YELLOW}-------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -${NC}" #View disk space details df -h echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------"
2、我们可以将该脚本转换为全局命令,将文件移动到 sbin 目录,并赋予执行权限。
linuxmi@linuxmi ~/www.linuxmi.com % sudo cp linuxmi /usr/sbin/ [sudo] linuxmi 的密码: linuxmi@linuxmi ~/www.linuxmi.com % sudo chmod +x /usr/sbin/linuxmi linuxmi@linuxmi ~/www.linuxmi.com
3、现在您可以在 shell 的任何位置调用该脚本。
linuxmi@linuxmi ~/www.linuxmi.com % linuxmi
以上がBash スクリプトを使用して、シンプルで実用的な Linux ヘルス チェック ツールを作成するの詳細内容です。詳細については、PHP 中国語 Web サイトの他の関連記事を参照してください。