ホームページ >バックエンド開発 >C++ >C言語の入れ子構造とは何ですか?


2023-09-05 23:13:061446ブラウズ


構造内の構造 (または) 入れ子構造



struct emp{
   int eno;
   char ename[30];
   float sal;
   float da;
   float hra;
   float ea;


stuct emp{
   int eno;
   char ename[30];
   float sal;
   struct allowance{
      float da;
      float hra;
      float ea;

ネストされた構造体の最も内側のメンバーには、ドット演算子を使用して関連するすべての構造体変数を (最も外側から最も内側へ) 変更することでアクセスできます。


次のプログラムは、ネストされた構造 (構造内の構造) を示します -

ライブ デモ

//Declaring outer and inter structures//
struct Person//Main Structure//{
   char Name[500];
   int Age;
   char Gender;
   char temp;//To clear buffer//
   struct Address//Nested Structure//{
      char Apartment[500];
      char Street[500];
      char City[100];
      char State[100];
      int Zipcode;
   }a[20];//Nested Structure Variable//
   }p[20];//Main Structure Variable//
void main(){
   //Declaring variable for For loop//
   int i;
   //Reading User I/p//
   for (i=1;i<3;i++){//Declaring function to accept 2 people&#39;s data//
      printf("Enter the Name of person %d : ",i);
      printf("Enter the Age of person %d : ",i);
      scanf("%c",&p[i].temp);//Clearing Buffer//
      printf("Enter the Gender of person %d : ",i);
      scanf("%c",&p[i].temp);//Clearing Buffer//
      printf("Enter the City of person %d : ",i);
      printf("Enter the State of person %d : ",i);
      printf("Enter the Zip Code of person %d : ",i);
      scanf("%c",&p[i].temp);//Clearing Buffer//
   //Printing O/p//
   for (i=1;i<3;i++){
      printf("The Name of person %d is : %s</p><p>",i,p[i].Name);
      printf("The Age of person %d is : %d</p><p>",i,p[i].Age);
      printf("The Gender of person %d is : %c</p><p>",i,p[i].Gender);
      printf("The City of person %d is : %s</p><p>",i,p[i].a[i].City);
      printf("The State of person %d is : %s</p><p>",i,p[i].a[i].State);
      printf("The Zip code of person %d is : %d</p><p>",i,p[i].a[i].Zipcode);


Enter the Name of person 1 : Enter the Age of person 1 : Enter the Gender of person 1 : Enter the City of person 1 : Enter the State of person 1 : Enter the Zip Code of person 1 : Enter the Name of person 2 : Enter the Age of person 2 : Enter the Gender of person 2 : Enter the City of person 2 : Enter the State of person 2 : Enter the Zip Code of person 2 : The Name of person 1 is :
The Age of person 1 is : 0
The Gender of person 1 is :
The City of person 1 is :
The State of person 1 is :
The Zip code of person 1 is : 0
The Name of person 2 is :
The Age of person 2 is : 0
The Gender of person 2 is :
The City of person 2 is :
The State of person 2 is :
The Zip code of person 2 is : 0

以上がC言語の入れ子構造とは何ですか?の詳細内容です。詳細については、PHP 中国語 Web サイトの他の関連記事を参照してください。

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