ホームページ > 記事 > ウェブフロントエンド > 520自白コードのJS実装事例分析
今回は 520 告白コードの JS 実装の事例分析をお届けします。 520 告白コードの JS 実装の注意事項 は次のとおりです。実際のケースを見てみましょう。
この 2 日間何が起こったのかわかりませんが、今日が 520 であることに突然気づきました。急いでプログラムを実行し (初心者なのでコードが少し汚いです)、みんなで一緒に勉強しましょう(Baidu を参照)。
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>520</title> <style> html, body{padding:0px; margin:0px; background:#222; font-family: 'Karla', sans-serif; color:#FFF; height:100%; overflow:hidden;} canvas {width:100%; height:100%;} #text,#text_520{font-family:'楷体'; color:rgb(255,255,3); font-size:20px; position:fixed; left:10%; top:10%;} #text_520{font-size:100px; top:50%; left:50%;} img{position:fixed; top:0; left:0; width:100%;} #last{font-size:12px; bottom:10px; left:50%; position:fixed;} /* @keyframes drop { 0% { transform: translateY(-100px); opacity: 0; } 90% { opacity: 1; transform:translateY(10px); } 100% { transform:translateY(0px;) } } */ </style> </head> <body> <canvas id="c"></canvas> <p id="text"></p> <p id="text_520">5 2 0</p> <img src="./timg.jpg" class="img" /> <p id="last">版权所有:李晓珂</p> <script type="text/javascript" src="./jquery-1.11.0.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> function isIE(){ var u = navigator.userAgent; if((u.indexOf("compatible") > -1 && u.indexOf("MSIE") > -1) || (u.indexOf("Trident") > -1 && u.indexOf("rv:11.0") > -1)){ alert("该浏览器暂不支持,请更换浏览器"); window.open('','_self'); window.close(); } var audio = document.createElement("audio"); audio.setAttribute("src","./520-love.mp3"); audio.setAttribute("autoplay","autoplay"); } isIE(); </script> <script type="text/javascript"> var textArr = [ 'I love three things in this world,', 'the sun ,the moon and you.', 'The sun for the day,', 'the moon for the night,', 'and you forever!', '', 'If you were a teardrop,', 'in my eye,', 'for fear of losing you,', 'I would never cry.', 'And if the golden sun,', 'should cease to shine its light,', 'just one smile from you,', 'would make my whole world bright.' ]; var text_520 = document.getElementById('text_520'); var height = (window.innerHeight - text_520.offsetHeight) / 2; var width = (window.innerWidth - text_520.offsetWidth) / 2; text_520.style.top = height + 'px'; text_520.style.left = width + 'px'; $('#text_520').hide(); $('.img').hide(); var m = 0; var n = 0; var text = document.getElementById('text'); function typing(){ if(m <= textArr[n].length) { text.innerHTML = text.innerHTML.substring(0,text.innerHTML.length-1) + textArr[n].substr(m++,1) + '_'; setTimeout(typing,250); }else { if(n < textArr.length-1){ text.innerHTML = text.innerHTML.substring(0,text.innerHTML.length-1) + "<br />_"; n++; m = 0; typing(); }else { text.innerHTML = text.innerHTML.substring(0,text.innerHTML.length-1); $('#text').fadeOut(5000); setTimeout(function(){$('#text_520').fadeIn(5000);},7000); setTimeout(function(){$('#text_520').fadeOut(5000); },7000); setTimeout(function(){$('.img').fadeIn(50000);},15000) } } } setTimeout(typing,5000); var ctx = document.querySelector('canvas').getContext('2d'); ctx.canvas.width = window.innerWidth; ctx.canvas.height = window.innerHeight; var sparks = []; var fireworks = []; var walker; fireworks.pop(); var i = 10; while(i--) fireworks.push(new Firework(Math.random()*window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight*Math.random())); // setInterval(render, 1000/50); render(); function render() { setTimeout(render, 1000/50); ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)'; ctx.fillRect(0, 0, ctx.canvas.width, ctx.canvas.height); // 上升效果 for(var firework of fireworks) { if(firework.dead) continue; firework.move(); firework.draw(); } // 绽放效果 for(var spark of sparks) { if(spark.dead) continue; spark.move(); spark.draw(); } if(Math.random() < 0.1) fireworks.push(new Firework()); //ctx.height = ctx.height; } function Spark(x, y, color) { this.x = x; this.y = y; this.dir = Math.random() * (Math.PI*2); this.dead = false; this.color = color; this.speed = Math.random() * 3 + 3; walker = new Walker({ radius: 20, speed: 0.25 }); this.gravity = 0.25; this.dur = this.speed / 0.15; this.move = function() { this.dur--; if(this.dur < 0) this.dead = true; if(this.speed < 0) return; if(this.speed > 0) this.speed -= 0.15; walk = walker.step(); this.x += Math.cos(this.dir + walk) * this.speed; this.y += Math.sin(this.dir + walk) * this.speed; this.y += this.gravity; this.gravity += 0.05; } this.draw = function() { drawCircle(this.x, this.y, 2, this.color); } } function Firework(x, y) { this.xmove = Math.random()*2 - 1; this.x = x || Math.random() * ctx.canvas.width; this.y = y || ctx.canvas.height; this.height = Math.random()*ctx.canvas.height/2; this.dead = false; this.color = randomColor(); this.move = function() { this.x += this.xmove; if(this.y > this.height) this.y -= 4; else this.burst(); } this.draw = function() { drawCircle(this.x, this.y, 3, this.color) } this.burst = function() { this.dead = true i = 100; while(i--) sparks.push(new Spark(this.x, this.y, this.color)); sparks.pop(); } } setTimeout(function (){window.open('','_self').close();},175000); /* // 清除两个数组 function clear(){ if(sparks!=null || fireworks!=null){ sparks.pop(); fireworks.pop(); } var sparks = []; var fireworks = []; } setInterval(clear,100); */ function drawCircle(x, y, radius, color) { color = color || '#FFF'; ctx.fillStyle = color; ctx.fillRect(x-radius/2, y-radius/2, radius, radius); } function randomColor(){ return ['#6ae5ab','#88e3b2','#36b89b','#7bd7ec','#66cbe1'][Math.floor(Math.random() * 5)]; } function Walker(options){ this.step = function(){ this.direction = Math.sign(this.target) * this.speed this.value += this.direction this.target ? this.target -= this.direction : (this.value) ? (this.wander) ? this.target = this.newTarget() : this.target = -this.value : this.target = this.newTarget() return this.direction } this.newTarget = function() { return Math.round(Math.random()*(this.radius*2)-this.radius) } this.start = 0 this.value = 0 this.radius = options.radius this.target = this.newTarget() this.direction = Math.sign(this.target) this.wander = options.wander this.speed = options.speed || 1 } </script> </body> </html>
この記事の事例を読んだ後は、この方法を習得したと思います。さらに興味深い情報については、php 中国語 Web サイトの他の関連記事に注目してください。
以上が520自白コードのJS実装事例分析の詳細内容です。詳細については、PHP 中国語 Web サイトの他の関連記事を参照してください。