ホームページ >WeChat アプレット >ミニプログラム開発 >QQ Music WeChat Mini プログラムのサンプルコード
QQ Music に似た完全に機能する WeChat アプレットを作成したいです。音楽検索、音楽リスト、再生停止などのデモが参考になります。
var util = require('../../utils/util.js') var app = getApp() Page({ data: { playingSong: {}, songUrl: '', songImg: '', songState: { progress: 0, currentPosition: '00:00', duration: '00:00' }, isPlaying: true, lyric: '' }, onLoad: function(){ console.log('playsong onLoad'); let that = this; let songdata = app.globalData.songData; that.setData({ playingSong: songdata, songUrl: 'http://ws.stream.qqmusic.qq.com/C100' + songdata.songmid + '.m4a?fromtag=38', songImg: 'http://y.gtimg.cn/music/photo_new/T002R150x150M000' + songdata.albummid + '.jpg', }); let thatData = that.data; wx.playBackgroundAudio({ dataUrl: thatData.songUrl, title: thatData.playingSong.songname, coverImgUrl: thatData.songImg, success: function(res){ //do something } }); }, onReady: function(){ console.log('playsong onReady'); let that = this; that.songPlay(); wx.onBackgroundAudioPlay(function(){ console.log('播放了'); that.songPlay(); }); }, timeToString: function(duration){ let str = ''; let minute = parseInt(duration/60) < 10 ? ('0'+ parseInt(duration/60)) : (parseInt(duration/60)); let second = duration%60 < 10 ? ('0'+duration%60) : (duration%60); str = minute+':'+second; return str; }, songPlay: function(){ let that = this; let inv = setInterval(function(){ wx.getBackgroundAudioPlayerState({ success: function(res){ if(res.status == 1){ that.setData({ isPlaying: true, songState: { progress: res.currentPosition/res.duration*100, currentPosition: that.timeToString(res.currentPosition), duration: that.timeToString(res.duration) } }) }else{ that.setData({ isPlaying: false }); clearInterval(inv); } } }); }, 1000); }, songToggle: function(){ let that = this; if(that.data.isPlaying){ wx.pauseBackgroundAudio(); }else{ wx.playBackgroundAudio({ title: that.data.playingSong.songname, coverImgUrl: that.data.songImg }); }; that.songPlay(); } })
以上がQQ Music WeChat Mini プログラムのサンプルコードの詳細内容です。詳細については、PHP 中国語 Web サイトの他の関連記事を参照してください。