ホームページ >バックエンド開発 >XML/RSS チュートリアル >アンドロイドサックスはXMLファイルを解析します (2)

アンドロイドサックスはXMLファイルを解析します (2)

2017-02-09 14:06:591620ブラウズ


接下来说的第二种方式是用RootElement这个类来解析的,RootElement 内置了defaultHandler的子类,

RootElement 源码如下:

public class RootElement extends Element {  
    final Handler handler = new Handler();  
     * Constructs a new root element with the given name.  
     * @param uri the namespace  
     * @param localName the local name  
    public RootElement(String uri, String localName) {  
        super(null, uri, localName, 0);  
     * Constructs a new root element with the given name. Uses an empty string  
     * as the namespace.  
     * @param localName the local name  
    public RootElement(String localName) {  
        this("", localName);  
     * Gets the SAX {@code ContentHandler}. Pass this to your SAX parser.  
    public ContentHandler getContentHandler() {  
        return this.handler;  
    class Handler extends DefaultHandler {  
        Locator locator;  
        int depth = -1;  
        Element current = null;  
        StringBuilder bodyBuilder = null;  
        public void setDocumentLocator(Locator locator) {  
            this.locator = locator;  
        public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName,  
                Attributes attributes) throws SAXException {  
            int depth = ++this.depth;  
            if (depth == 0) {  
                // This is the root element.  
                startRoot(uri, localName, attributes);  
            // Prohibit mixed text and elements.  
            if (bodyBuilder != null) {  
                throw new BadXmlException("Encountered mixed content"  
                        + " within text element named " + current + ".",  
            // If we're one level below the current element.  
            if (depth == current.depth + 1) {  
                // Look for a child to push onto the stack.  
                Children children = current.children;  
                if (children != null) {  
                    Element child = children.get(uri, localName);  
                    if (child != null) {  
                        start(child, attributes);  
        void startRoot(String uri, String localName, Attributes attributes)  
                throws SAXException {  
            Element root = RootElement.this;  
            if (root.uri.compareTo(uri) != 0  
                    || root.localName.compareTo(localName) != 0) {  
                throw new BadXmlException("Root element name does"  
                        + " not match. Expected: " + root + ", Got: "  
                        + Element.toString(uri, localName), locator);  
            start(root, attributes);  
        void start(Element e, Attributes attributes) {  
            // Push element onto the stack.  
            this.current = e;  
            if (e.startElementListener != null) {  
            if (e.endTextElementListener != null) {  
                this.bodyBuilder = new StringBuilder();  
            e.visited = true;  
        public void characters(char[] buffer, int start, int length)  
                throws SAXException {  
            if (bodyBuilder != null) {  
                bodyBuilder.append(buffer, start, length);  
        public void endElement(String uri, String localName, String qName)  
                throws SAXException {  
            Element current = this.current;  
            // If we've ended the current element...  
            if (depth == current.depth) {  
                // Invoke end element listener.  
                if (current.endElementListener != null) {  
                // Invoke end text element listener.  
                if (bodyBuilder != null) {  
                    String body = bodyBuilder.toString();  
                    bodyBuilder = null;  
                    // We can assume that this listener is present.  
                // Pop element off the stack.  
                this.current = current.parent;  



     * sax解析xml的第二种方式  
     *      用XMLReader 也是sax的一种方式  
     * @return  
    private String saxParseSecond(){  
        InputStream inputStream =  
        SAXParserFactory factory = SAXParserFactory.newInstance();  
        try {  
            SAXParser parse = factory.newSAXParser();  
            XMLReader reader = parse.getXMLReader();  
            reader.parse(new InputSource(inputStream));  
        } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {  
        } catch (SAXException e) {  
        } catch (IOException e) {  
        return result;  
     * @return 返回设置好处理机制的rootElement   
    private RootElement getRootElement(){    
        RootElement rootElement = new RootElement("classes");    
         * 这里需要注意,虽然我们只设置了一次group的事件,但是我们文档中根节点下的所有   
         * group却都可以触发这个事件。   
         * */    
        Element groupElement = rootElement.getChild("group");    
        // 读到元素开始位置时触发,如读到<group>时    
        groupElement.setStartElementListener(new StartElementListener() {    
            public void start(Attributes attributes) {    
//                Log.i("TEST", "start");    
               String groupName =  attributes.getValue("name");  
               String groupNum =  attributes.getValue("num");  
               result = result+"groupName ="+groupName+"groupNum = "+groupNum+"\n";  
        groupElement.setEndElementListener(new EndElementListener() {    
            public void end() {    
        Element personElement = groupElement.getChild("person");  
        personElement.setStartElementListener(new StartElementListener() {  
            public void start(Attributes attributes) {  
                 String personName =  attributes.getValue("name");  
                 String age =  attributes.getValue("age");  
                 result = result+"personName ="+personName+"age = "+age+"\n";  
        personElement.setEndElementListener(new EndElementListener() {  
            public void end() {  
        Element chinese = personElement.getChild("chinese");    
//        chinese.setTextElementListener(new TextElementListener() {  
//          @Override  
//          public void end(String body) {  
//              // TODO Auto-generated method stub  
//          }  
//          @Override  
//          public void start(Attributes attributes) {  
//              // TODO Auto-generated method stub  
//          }  
//      });  
        // 读到文本的末尾时触发,这里的body即为文本的内容部分    
        chinese.setEndTextElementListener(new EndTextElementListener() {    
            public void end(String body) {    
                Pattern p = Pattern.compile("\\s*|\t|\r|\n");   
                Matcher m = p.matcher(body);   
                body = m.replaceAll("");   
                result = result+"chinese ="+body;  
        Element english = personElement.getChild("english");    
        english.setEndTextElementListener(new EndTextElementListener() {    
            public void end(String body) {    
                Pattern p = Pattern.compile("\\s*|\t|\r|\n");   
                Matcher m = p.matcher(body);   
                body = m.replaceAll("");   
               result = result+"english ="+body+"\n";  
        return rootElement;    

アンドロイドサックスはXMLファイルを解析します (2)


     其实SAXParser是在SAX 1.0 定义的,而XMLReader则是在2.0中才开始出现的。你可以认为XMLReader的出现是为了替代SAXParser解析的,两者本质上干的事情是一样的,只不过XMLReader的功能更加的强悍而已。  


XMLReader parser=XMLReaderFactory.createXMLReader(); (1)
XMLReader parser=XMLReaderFactory.createXMLReader(String className); (2)

以上就是 android sax解析xml文件(二)的内容,更多相关内容请关注PHP中文网(www.php.cn)!

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