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JavaScript徹底分析シリーズ(13): そう、これ!_javascriptスキル

2016-05-16 15:21:431040ブラウズ


In this article, we will discuss more details directly related to execution context. The topic of discussion is this keyword. Practice has proven that this topic is difficult, and problems often occur in the determination of this in different execution contexts.

Many programmers are accustomed to believing that in programming languages, the this keyword is closely related to object-oriented program development, and it completely points to the object newly created by the constructor. This is also implemented in the ECMAScript specification, but as we will see, in ECMAScript, this is not limited to only pointing to newly created objects.

English translation: Published by Dmitry A. Soshnikov with help from Stoyan Stefanov: 2010-03-07http://dmitrysoshnikov.com/ecmascript/chapter-3-this/Original Russian text: Dmitry A. Soshnikov Correction: Published by Zerogif : 2009-06-28; Updated: 2010-03-07 http://dmitrysoshnikov.com/ecmascript/ru-chapter-3-this/ Most of the content of this article refers to: http://www.denisdeng.com/? Part of the sentence p=900 refers to: justin’s Chinese translation

Let us take a closer look at what exactly is this in ECMAScript?


this is an attribute in the execution context:

activeExecutionContext = { VO: {...}, this: thisValue};

Here VO is the variable object we discussed in the previous chapter.

This is directly related to the type of executable code in the context. The value of this is determined when entering the context and remains unchanged while the context is running.

Let’s study these cases in more detail:

in global code

Everything is simple here. In global code, this is always the global object itself, so it is possible to refer to it indirectly.

// Explicitly define the properties of the global object this.a = 10; // global.a = 10alert(a); // 10 // Implicit by assigning to an unidentifier b = 20;alert(this. b); // 20 // It is also implicitly declared through variable declaration // Because the variable object of the global context is the global object itself var c = 30; alert(this.c); // 30

in function code

It is interesting when using this in function code, this situation is difficult and can cause a lot of problems.

In this type of code, the first (perhaps the most important) feature of the this value is that it is not statically bound to a function.

As we mentioned above, this is determined when entering the context. In a function code, this value is completely different every time.

Regardless, the value of this is unchanged while the code is running, that is, since it is not a variable, it is impossible to assign a new value to it (in contrast, in the Python programming language, it is clearly defined is the object itself, which can change continuously during runtime).

var foo = {x: 10}; var bar = { x: 20, test: function () { alert(this === bar); // true alert(this.x); // 20 this = foo; // 错误,任何时候不能改变this的值 alert(this.x); // 如果不出错的话,应该是10,而不是20 } }; // 在进入上下文的时候// this被当成bar对象// determined as "bar" object; why so - will// be discussed below in detail bar.test(); // true, 20 foo.test = bar.test; // 不过,这里this依然不会是foo// 尽管调用的是相同的function foo.test(); // false, 10 

So, there are several factors that affect the change of this value in the function code:

First of all, in a normal function call, this is provided by the caller who activates the context code, that is, the parent context of the calling function. this depends on how the function is called.

In order to accurately determine this value under any circumstances, it is necessary to understand and remember this important point. It is the way the function is called that affects the this value in the context of the call, nothing else (we can see in some articles, even in books about javascript, they claim: "the this value depends on how the function is defined, If it's a global function, this is set to the global object, if the function is a method of an object, this will always point to the object - this is absolutely not true"). Continuing our topic, we can see that even normal global functions will be activated by different forms of calling methods. These different calling methods lead to different this values.

function foo() { alert(this);} foo(); // global alert(foo === foo.prototype.constructor); // true // 但是同一个function的不同的调用表达式,this是不同的 foo.prototype.constructor(); // foo.prototype 

It is possible to call a function as a method defined on some object, but this will not be set to this object.

var foo = { bar: function () { alert(this); alert(this === foo); }}; foo.bar(); // foo, true var exampleFunc = foo.bar; alert(exampleFunc === foo.bar); // true // 再一次,同一个function的不同的调用表达式,this是不同的 exampleFunc(); // global, false 

So, how does the way of calling the function affect the this value? In order to fully understand the determination of this value, one of its internal types - reference type (Reference type) needs to be analyzed in detail.

Reference type

Using pseudocode, we can represent the value of a reference type as an object with two properties - base (that is, the object that owns the property), and the propertyName in base.

var valueOfReferenceType = { base: <base object>, propertyName: <property name>}; 


1. 当我们处理一个标示符时

2. 或一个属性访问器



var foo = 10;function bar() {} 


var fooReference = { base: global, propertyName: 'foo'}; var barReference = { base: global, propertyName: 'bar'}; 


function GetValue(value) { if (Type(value) != Reference) { return value; } var base = GetBase(value); if (base === null) { throw new ReferenceError; } return base.[[Get]](GetPropertyName(value)); } 


GetValue(fooReference); // 10GetValue(barReference); // function object "bar" 




var fooBarReference = { base: foo, propertyName: 'bar'}; GetValue(fooBarReference); // function object "bar" 

引用类型的值与函数上下文中的this值如何相关?——从最重要的意义上来说。 这个关联的过程是这篇文章的核心。 一个函数上下文中确定this值的通用规则如下:

在一个函数上下文中,this由调用者提供,由调用函数的方式来决定。如果调用括号()的左边是引用类型的值,this将设为引用类型值的base对象(base object),在其他情况下(与引用类型不同的任何其它属性),这个值为null。不过,实际不存在this的值为null的情况,因为当this的值为null的时候,其值会被隐式转换为全局对象。注:第5版的ECMAScript中,已经不强迫转换成全局变量了,而是赋值为undefined。


function foo() { return this;} foo(); // global 


var fooReference = { base: global, propertyName: 'foo'}; 


var foo = { bar: function () { return this; }}; foo.bar(); // foo 


var fooBarReference = { base: foo, propertyName: 'bar'}; 


var test = foo.bar;test(); // global 

因为test作为标示符,生成了引用类型的其他值,其base(全局对象)用作this 值。
var testReference = { base: global, propertyName: 'test'};
现在,我们可以很明确的告诉你,为什么用表达式的不同形式激活同一个函数会不同的this值,答案在于引用类型(type Reference)不同的中间值。

function foo() { alert(this);} foo(); // global, because var fooReference = { base: global, propertyName: 'foo'}; alert(foo === foo.prototype.constructor); // true // 另外一种形式的调用表达式 foo.prototype.constructor(); // foo.prototype, because var fooPrototypeConstructorReference = { base: foo.prototype, propertyName: 'constructor'}; 


function foo() { alert(this.bar);} var x = {bar: 10};var y = {bar: 20}; x.test = foo;y.test = foo; x.test(); // 10y.test(); // 20 



(function () { alert(this); // null => global})(); 



var foo = { bar: function () { alert(this); }}; foo.bar(); // Reference, OK => foo(foo.bar)(); // Reference, OK => foo (foo.bar = foo.bar)(); // global&#63;(false || foo.bar)(); // global&#63;(foo.bar, foo.bar)(); // global&#63; 






4.第四个和第五个也是一样——逗号运算符和逻辑运算符(OR)调用了GetValue 方法,相应地,我们失去了引用而得到了函数。并再次设为global。


有一种情况是这样的:当调用表达式限定了call括号左边的引用类型的值, 尽管this被设定为null,但结果被隐式转化成global。当引用类型值的base对象是被活动对象时,这种情况就会出现。

function foo() { function bar() { alert(this); // global } bar(); // the same as AO.bar()} 


有一种情况除外:如果with对象包含一个函数名属性,在with语句的内部块中调用函数。With语句添加到该对象作用域的最前端,即在活动对象的前面。相应地,也就有了引用类型(通过标示符或属性访问器), 其base对象不再是活动对象,而是with语句的对象。顺便提一句,它不仅与内部函数相关,也与全局函数相关,因为with对象比作用域链里的最前端的对象(全局对象或一个活动对象)还要靠前。

var x = 10; with ({ foo: function () { alert(this.x); }, x: 20 }) { foo(); // 20 } // because var fooReference = { base: __withObject, propertyName: 'foo'}; 


try { throw function () { alert(this); };} catch (e) { e(); // ES3标准里是__catchObject, ES5标准里是global } // on idea var eReference = { base: __catchObject, propertyName: 'e'}; // ES5新标准里已经fix了这个bug,// 所以this就是全局对象了var eReference = { base: global, propertyName: 'e'}; 


(function foo(bar) { alert(this); !bar && foo(1); // "should" be special object, but always (correct) global })(); // global 



function A() { alert(this); // "a"对象下创建一个新属性 this.x = 10;} var a = new A();alert(a.x); // 10 

在这个例子中,new运算符调用“A”函数的内部的[[Construct]] 方法,接着,在对象创建后,调用内部的[[Call]] 方法。 所有相同的函数“A”都将this的值设置为新创建的对象。


在函数原型中定义的两个方法(因此所有的函数都可以访问它)允许去手动设置函数调用的this值。它们是.apply和.call方法。他们用接受的第一个参数作为this值,this 在调用的作用域中使用。这两个方法的区别很小,对于.apply,第二个参数必须是数组(或者是类似数组的对象,如arguments,反过来,.call能接受任何参数。两个方法必须的参数是第一个——this。


var b = 10; function a(c) { alert(this.b); alert(c);} a(20); // this === global, this.b == 10, c == 20 a.call({b: 20}, 30); // this === {b: 20}, this.b == 20, c == 30a.apply({b: 30}, [40]) // this === {b: 30}, this.b == 30, c == 40 


在这篇文章中,我们讨论了ECMAScript中this关键字的特征(对比于C++ 和 Java,它们的确是特色)。我希望这篇文章有助于你准确的理解ECMAScript中this关键字如何工作。同样,我很乐意在评论中回到你的问题。

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