- //ini_set('memory_limit', '-1'); // CSV が比較的大きい場合は追加できます。
- /*
- * $file : csv file
- * $csvDataArr : header of csv table, eg: arary('name','sex','age') or array(0,1,2)
- * $specialhtml : whether do you want to convert special characters to html entities ?
- * $removechar : which type do you want to remove special characters in array keys, manual or automatical ?
- * edit http://bbs.it-home.org
- */
- class csv_to_array
- {
- private $counter;
- private $handler;
- private $length;
- private $file;
- private $seprator;
- private $specialhtml;
- private $removechar = 'manual';
- private $csvDataArr;
- private $csvData = array();
- function __construct($file = '', $csvDataArr = '', $specialhtml = true, $length = 1000, $seprator = ',')
- {
- $this->counter = 0;
- $this->length = $length;
- $this->file = $file;
- $this->seprator = $seprator;
- $this->specialhtml = $specialhtml;
- $this->csvDataArr = is_array($csvDataArr) ? $csvDataArr : array();
- $this->handler = fopen($this->file, "r");
- }
- function get_array()
- {
- $getCsvArr = array();
- $csvDataArr = array();
- while(($data = fgetcsv($this->handler, $this->length, $this->seprator)) != FALSE)
- {
- $num = count($data);
- $getCsvArr[$this->counter] = $data;
- $this->counter++;
- }
- if(count($getCsvArr) > 0)
- {
- $csvDataArr = array_shift($getCsvArr);
- if($this->csvDataArr) $csvDataArr = $this->csvDataArr;
- $counter = 0;
- foreach($getCsvArr as $csvValue)
- {
- $totalRec = count($csvValue);
- for($i = 0; $i < $totalRec ; $i++)
- {
- $key = $this->csvDataArr ? $csvDataArr[$i] : $this->remove_char($csvDataArr[$i]);
- if($csvValue[$i]) $this->csvData[$counter][$key] = $this->put_special_char($csvValue[$i]);
- }
- $counter++;
- }
- }
- return $this->csvData;
- }
- function put_special_char($value)
- {
- return $this->specialhtml ? str_replace(array('&','" ','\'','<','>'),array('&','"',''','<','>'),$value) : $value;
- }
- function remove_char($value)
- {
- $result = $this->removechar == 'manual' ? $this->remove_char_manual($value) : $this->remove_char_auto($value);
- return str_replace(' ','_',trim($result));
- }
- private function remove_char_manual($value)
- {
- return str_replace(array('&','"','\'','<','>','(',')','%'),'',trim($value));
- }
- private function remove_char_auto($str,$x=0)
- {
- $x==0 ? $str=$this->make_semiangle($str) : '' ;
- eregi('[[:punct:]]',$str,$arr);
- $str = str_replace($arr[0],'',$str);
- return eregi('[[:punct:]]',$str) ? $this->remove_char_auto($str,1) : $str;
- }
- プライベート関数 make_semiangle($str)
- {
- $arr = array('0' => '0', '1' => '1', '2' => '2', '3' => '3'、'4' => '5'、'6' => '7'、'8' ' => '8'、'9' => 'A'、'B' => 'C' 'D' => 'E'、'F' => 'G'、'H' => 'I' => 'J'、'K' => 'L'、'M' => 、'N' => 'O'、
- 'P' => 'Q'、'R' => '、'S' => 'T'、'U' => 'V'、'W' => W'、'X'、'Y' => 'Z'、'a' => 'b'、'c' => 'd'、'e' => 'f'、'g' => ; 'g'、'h' => 'i'、'j' => 'k' => > 'l'、'm' => 'm'、'n'、
- 'o'、'p' => 'p'、'q' => 'q'、'r' => 'r'、's' => 's',
- 't' => 't'、'u' => 'u'、'v' => 'v'、'w' => 'w'、'x' => 'x'、
- 'y' => 'y'、'z' => 'z',
- '(' => '(', ')' => ')', '〔' => '[', '】' => ']'、'【' => '[',
- ']' => ']'、'〖' => '[', '〗' => ']'、'”' => '['、'”' => ']'、
- '''' => '[', '' => ']'、'{' => '{'、'}' => '}'、'《' => '<',
- '》' => '>',
- '%' => '%'、'+' => '+'、'—' => '-'、'-' => '-'、'~' => '-',
- ':' => ':'、'。' => '.'、'、' => ',', ',' => '.'、'、' => '.',
- ';' => ',', '?' => 「?」、「!」 => '!'、'…' => '-'、'‖' => '|',
- '”' => '"', ''' => '`', '''' => '`', '|' => '|', '〃' => '"',
- ' ' => ' ','$'=>'$','@'=>'@','#'=>'#','^'=>'^','&'=>' &','*'=>'*');
- return strtr($str, $arr);
- }
- function __destruct(){
- fclose($this->handler);
- }
- }
- // 例:
- $csv = new csv_to_array('user.csv');
- echo "
"; print_r($csv->get_array()); echo " ";
- ?>
- 复制幣
2. 一般的な機能を使用する
- $arrCSV = 配列();
- // CSV を開きます
- if (($handle = fopen("user.csv", "r")) !==FALSE) {
- // 親配列のキーを 0 に設定します
- $key = 0;
- // 利用可能なデータがある間、区切り文字 (,) を使用して無制限の回数 (0) をループします
- while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 0, ",")) !==FALSE) {
- // をカウントします各行のキーの合計
- $c = count($data);
- //配列
- に ($x=0;$x $key++;
- } // end while
- // CSV ファイルを閉じる
- fclose($handle);
- } // end if
- echo "
"; print_r($arrCSV); echo " ";
- ?>