ホームページ >バックエンド開発 >PHPチュートリアル >PHP が月間カレンダー コードを自動生成する_PHP チュートリアル
Function Written by Nelson Neoh @3/2004.
For those who wants to utilize this code, please do not remove this remark.
If you have done any enhancement to this code, please post the copy at http://www.dev-club.com PHP board. Thank you.
関数の使用法: カレンダー(月,年)
if($MM=="") $MM = date("m");
if($YYYY =="") $YYYY = date("Y");
$stringDate = strftime("%d %b %Y",mktime (0,0 ,0,$MM,1,$YYYY));
$days = strftime("%d",mktime (0,0,0,$MM+1,0,$YYYY));
$firstDay = strftime( "%w",mktime (0,0,0,$MM,1,$YYYY));
$lastDay = strftime("%w",mktime (0,0,0,$MM,$days,$YYYY) ));
$printDays = $days;
$preMonth = strftime("%m",mktime (0,0,0,$MM-1,1,$YYYY));
$pre Year = strftime("%Y ",mktime (0,0,0,$MM-1,1,$YYYY));
$nextMonth = strftime("%m",mktime (0,0,0,$MM+1,1,$YYYY) ));
$next Year = strftime("%Y",mktime (0,0,0,$MM+1,1,$YYYY));
P | ");".strftime("%b %Y",mktime (0,0,0,$MM,1,$YYYY))." | ");N | ||||
Sun | Mon | 火 | 水< /th> | 木 | 金土 | <|
$printDays | ");"); | "); | $currentDays | ");$currentDays | ");