ホームページ >バックエンド開発 >PHPチュートリアル >PHP: 404 エラーをトラップして管理者に電子メールを送信するプログラム_PHP チュートリアル

PHP: 404 エラーをトラップして管理者に電子メールを送信するプログラム_PHP チュートリアル

2016-07-13 17:19:521054ブラウズ

# 404.php, 8/10/2000.
# Traps 404 errors and mails a notice to the webmaster.
# Requires PHP 3.0 or newer, and mail capability on your system.
# Copyright 2000 shaun@shat.net under the GNU Public License.
# Disclaimer: I wrote this script for me, and it works for me.
# If it doesnt work for you, or makes your server explode,
# thats life. Please email with questions or bug reports.

# Set these variables to configure the script:

# Set $domain to your domain name (no www)

$domain = "your.domain.com";

# Set $docroot to the URL of the directory which contains your
# .htaccess file. Dont include trailing slash.

$docroot = "http://your.domain.com";

# Font face youd like to use on the 404 page

$fontface = "Verdana";

# Font size youd like to use on the 404 page

$fontsize = "2";

# Background color of the 404 page (default is white)

$bgcolor = "#ffffff";

# Text color youd like to use on the 404 page (default is black)

$textcolor = "#000000";

# This script is capable of mailing the details of each 404 error
# to the webmaster. Use the $reportlevel variable to control when
# you receive these reports.
# 0 = dont use the email capabilities at all
# 1 = send email only if the errors referer contains your domain name
# (i.e. the 404 was generated by a broken link on your site)
# 2 = send email any time a 404 error is generated (useful for tracking
# broken links at other sites which link to you)

$reportlevel = 2;

# Set $emailaddress to the email address of whoever should be
# notified of 404 errors. Dont escape the @ symbol. This will also
# be used as the "from" address on any emails the script generates.
# You can leave this unassigned if youre not using email features.

$emailaddress = "you@your.domain.com";

# If you want to edit the script, Ive commented profusely :) #

# The print_details function is what prints the 404 error to
# the visitor. As far as I know, PHP3 doesnt incorporate Perls
# print <<"EOT" ability. PHP4 does allow this capability
# but the script was written for PHP3. So, you have to use
# a lot of echo statements if you want to retain PHP3 compat.

function print_details()
# Request access to the global variables we need
global $fontface, $fontsize, $docroot, $REQUEST_URI, $reportlevel;
global $bgcolor, $textcolor

# Print the 404 error in web format
echo "404 Not Found";
echo "";
echo "

404 Not Found

echo "

echo "Were sorry. The page you requested, $docroot$REQUEST_URI, doesnt exist";
echo " on this server.


# If an email report is being generated, let the visitor know:
if ($reportlevel != 0)
echo "

echo "The details of this error have automatically been mailed to the webmaster.";

# Close up the HTML tags
# echo "";


# The send_email function sends the details of the 404 error to the
# webmaster.

function send_email()
# Request access to the global variables we need
global $REQUEST_URI, $HTTP_REFERER, $emailaddress, $REMOTE_ADDR, $docroot;

# Build the $errortime variable to contain the date/time of the error.
# Using date() likely would have been better, but I already had this code
# elsewhere, and Im lazy.
$today = getdate();
$month = $today[mon];
$mday = $today[mday];
$year = $today[year];
$hours = $today[hours];
$minutes = $today[minutes];
$errortime = "$month/$mday/$year at $hours:$minutes";

# Create the body of the email message
$message .= "404 Error Report A 404 error was encountered by $REMOTE_ADDR";
$message .= " on $errortime. ";
$message .= "The URI which generated the error is: $docroot$REQUEST_URI ";
$message .= "The referring page was: $HTTP_REFERER ";

# メールメッセージを送信します。これは、mail() がシステム上で動作することを前提としています。
mail("$emailaddress", "404 エラー レポート", $message, "From: $emailaddress");


# 関数の宣言が完了しました。ここからメイン機能が始まります。

# ユーザーのブラウザに 404 エラーを送信します

# 電子メールレポートを送信する必要があるかどうかを確認してください。もしそうなら、そうしてください。
if ($reportlevel != 0)
if ($reportlevel == 1) {
if (eregi($domain,$HTTP_REFERER))



www.bkjia.comtru​​ehttp://www.bkjia.com/PHPjc/532620.html技術記事 ? # 404.php、2000 年 8 月 10 日。 # 404 エラーをトラップし、Web マスターに通知をメールで送信します。 # PHP 3.0 以降、およびシステム上のメール機能が必要です。 # # Copyright 2000 shaun@shat.net u...
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