ホームページ >ウェブフロントエンド >jsチュートリアル >JavaScript 非同期プログラミングを理解する_JavaScript スキル
1. Asynchronous mechanism
The execution environment of JavaScript is single-threaded. The advantage of single-threading is that the execution environment is simple and there is no need to consider annoying problems such as resource synchronization, deadlock and other multi-threaded blocking programming. But the disadvantage is that when a task takes a long time to execute, subsequent tasks will wait for a long time. On the browser side, the browser may freeze, the mouse cannot respond, etc. Therefore, on the browser side, long-running operations should be performed asynchronously to avoid the browser becoming unresponsive. The so-called asynchronous execution is different from synchronous execution (the execution order of the program is consistent and synchronous with the order of tasks). Each task has one or more callback functions (callback). After the previous task ends, the next one is not executed. task, but executes the callback function, and the latter task is executed before the previous task is completed, so the execution order of the program and the order of the tasks are inconsistent and asynchronous. Since Javascript is single-threaded, how can it be executed asynchronously?
2. Javascript Threading Model and Event Driven
JavaScript has a concurrency model based on event loops. This model is very different from C language and Java.
Concept of runtime
Function calls form stack frames.
function f(b){ var a = 12; return a+b+35; } function g(x){ var m = 4; return f(m*x); } g(21);
When function g is called, create the first frame containing g parameters and local variables. When function g calls function f, a second stack frame containing the f parameters and local variables is created and pushed to the top of the first stack frame. When f returns, the top stack frame element is popped (leaving only the g call). When the g function returns, the stack is empty.
The heap is a large unstructured area into which objects are allocated.
A JavaScript runtime environment contains a message queue, which is a list of messages to be executed. Each message is associated with a function. When the stack is empty, a message is taken from the message queue and processed. This processing consists of calling the relevant functions (and thus generating an initialized stack frame). When the stack is empty again, message processing ends.
Event Loop
The event loop gets its name from its implementation, which often looks like this:
while(queue.waitForMessage()){ queue.processNextMessage(); }
一个web worker或跨域iframe都有自己的堆栈,堆,和消息队列。两个不同的运行环境只能通过postMessage的方法发送消息进行通信。这种方法增加了一个消息到其他运行时,如果后者监听消息事件。
事件循环模型是javascript的一个很有意思的属性,不像其它语言,它从不阻塞。假定浏览器中有一个专门用于事件调度的实例(该实例可以是一个线程,我们可以称之为事件分发线程event dispatch thread),该实例的工作就是一个不结束的循环,从事件队列中取出事件,处理所有很事件关联的回调函数(event handler)。注意回调函数是在Javascript的主线程中运行的,而非事件分发线程中,以保证事件处理不会发生阻塞。通过事件和回调的I/O操作是一个典型的表现,所以当应用等待索引型数据库查询返回或XHR请求返回时,它仍然可以处理其他事情比如用户输入。
f1(); f2(); f3();
function f1(callback){ setTimeout(function () { // f1的大量耗时任务代码并的到三个结果i,l,you. console.log("this is function1"); var i = "i", l = "love", y = "you"; if (callback && typeof(callback) === "function") { callback(i,l,y); } }, 50); } function f2(a, b, c) { alert(a + " " + b + " " + c); console.log("this is function2"); } function f3(){console.log("this is function3");} f1(f2); f3();
this is function3 this is function1 i love you this is function2
operation1(function(err, result) { operation2(function(err, result) { operation3(function(err, result) { operation4(function(err, result) { operation5(function(err, result) { // do something useful }) }) }) }) })
// plain, non-jQuery version of hooking up an event handler var clickity = document.getElementById("clickity"); clickity.addEventListener("click", function (e) { //console log, since it's like ALL real world scenarios, amirite? console.log("Alas, someone is pressing my buttons…"); }); // the obligatory jQuery version $("#clickity").on("click", function (e) { console.log("Alas, someone is pressing my buttons…"); });
我们假定,存在一个"信号中心",某个任务执行完成,就向信号中心"发布"(publish)一个信号,其他任务可以向信号中心"订阅"(subscribe)这个信号,从而知道什么时候自己可以开始执行。这就叫做"发布/订阅模式"(publish-subscribe pattern),又称"观察者模式"(observer pattern)。
var pubsub = (function(){ var q = {} topics = {}, subUid = -1; //发布消息 q.publish = function(topic, args) { if(!topics[topic]) {return;} var subs = topics[topic], len = subs.length; while(len--) { subs[len].func(topic, args); } return this; }; //订阅事件 q.subscribe = function(topic, func) { topics[topic] = topics[topic] ? topics[topic] : []; var token = (++subUid).toString(); topics[topic].push({ token : token, func : func }); return token; }; return q; //取消订阅就不写了,遍历topics,然后通过保存前面返回token,删除指定元素 })(); //触发的事件 var f2 = function(topics, data) { console.log("logging:" + topics + ":" + data); console.log("this is function2"); } function f1(){ setTimeout(function () { // f1的任务代码 console.log("this is function1"); //发布消息'done' pubsub .publish('done', 'hello world'); }, 1000); } pubsub.subscribe('done', f2); f1();
this is function1 logging:done:hello world this is function2
Promises的概念是由CommonJS小组的成员在 Promises/A规范 中提出来的。Promises被逐渐用作一种管理异步操作回调的方法,但出于它们的设计,它们远比那个有用得多。Promise允许我们以同步的方式写代码,同时给予我们代码的异步执行。
function f1(){ var def = $.Deferred(); setTimeout(function () { // f1的任务代码 console.log("this is f1"); def.resolve(); }, 500); return def.promise(); } function f2(){ console.log("this is f2"); } f1().then(f2);
this is f1 this is f2
上面引用的是jquery对Promises/A的实现,jquery中还有一系列方法,具体可参考:Deferred Object.关于Promises,强烈建议读一下You're Missing the Point of Promises.还有很多第三方库实现了Promises,如:Q、Bluebird、 mmDeferred 等。Promise(中文:承诺)其实为一个有限状态机,共有三种状态:pending(执行中)、fulfilled(执行成功)和rejected(执行失败)。其中pending为初始状态,fulfilled和rejected为结束状态(结束状态表示promise的生命周期已结束)。状态转换关系为:pending->fulfilled,pending->rejected。随着状态的转换将触发各种事件(如执行成功事件、执行失败事件等)。 下节具体讲述状态机实现js异步编程。
Promises的本质实际就是通过状态机来实现的,把异步操作与对象的状态改变挂钩,当异步操作结束的时候,发生相应的状态改变,由此再触发其他操作。这要比回调函数、事件监听、发布/订阅等解决方案,在逻辑上更合理,更易于降低代码的复杂度。关于Promises可参考:JS魔法堂:剖析源码理解Promises/A规范 。
var f1 = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { setTimeout(function () { // f1的任务代码 console.log("this is f1"); resolve("Success"); }, 500); }); function f2(val){ console.log(val + ":" + "this is f2"); } function f3(){ console.log("this is f3") } f1.then(f2); f3();
以上代码在Chrome 版本43中的运行结果为:
this is f3 this is f1 Success:this is f2