弹出式窗口代码生成器 要完成此效果把如下代码加入到区域中 <!-- function uncode() { smut="<"; replacewords="< "; txt=document.mail.source2.value; tstx=""; space=replacewords.indexOf(" "); wrd=replacewords.substring(0,space); wrdl=wrd.length replacewords=replacewords.substring(space+1,replacewords.length); while (txt.indexOf(wrd)>-1){ space=txt.indexOf(wrd); txt=txt.substring(0,space)+smut+txt.substring((space+wrdl),txt.length);} smut=">"; replacewords="> "; space=replacewords.indexOf(" "); wrd=replacewords.substring(0,space); wrdl=wrd.length replacewords=replacewords.substring(space+1,replacewords.length); while (txt.indexOf(wrd)>-1){ space=txt.indexOf(wrd); txt=txt.substring(0,space)+smut+txt.substring((space+wrdl),txt.length);} document.mail.source2.value=txt; } function generate(form){ page = document.inputForm.page.value; toolbars = document.inputForm.toolbars.checked; scrollprops = document.inputForm.scrollit.checked; locations = document.inputForm.locations.checked; statusbars = document.inputForm.statusbars.checked; menubars = document.inputForm.menubars.checked; resizeable = document.inputForm.resizeable.checked; width = document.inputForm.width.value; if (!width) width = screen.width; height = document.inputForm.height.value; if (!height) height = screen.height; howto = document.inputForm.howtoopen.options[document.inputForm.howtoopen.selectedIndex].value; center = document.inputForm.center.checked; start = "<"; if(howto == 'body') { otherOutput = start + "!-- 步骤二: 将Onload事件处理器粘贴在<body>标签内-->\n" + start + "BODY onLoad=\"javascript:popUp()\">"; } if(howto == 'link') { otherOutput = start + "!-- 步骤二: 用以下的链接打开一个新窗口 -->\n" + start + "A HREF=\"javascript:popUp()\">Open the Popup Window" + start + "/A>"; } if(howto == 'button') { otherOutput = start + "!-- 步骤二: 用以下的按钮代码打开一个新窗口-->\n" + start + "form>\n" + start + "input type=button value=\"Open the Popup Window\" onClick=\"javascript:popUp()\">\n" + start + "/form>"; } scriptOutput = start + '!-- 请照以下步骤进行:\r\n\r\n' + '<!-- STEP ONE: 将以下代码粘贴在<head>区 -->\r\n\r\n' + '<HEAD>\r\n\r\n' + start + 'SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">\r\n' + 'function pop' + 'Up() {\n'; scriptOutput += "props=window.open('" + page + "', 'poppage', '" + ((toolbars) ? "toolbars=1, " : "toolbars=0, ") + ((scrollprops) ? "scrollbars=1, " : "scrollbars=0, ") + ((locations) ? "location=1, " : "location=0, ") + ((statusbars) ? "statusbars=1, " : "statusbars=0, ") + ((menubars) ? "menubars=1, " : "menubars=0, ") + ((resizeable) ? "resizable=1" : "resizable=0") + ((width) ? ", width=" + width : "") + ((height) ? ", height=" + height : "") + ((center) ? ", left = " + ((screen.width - width) / 2) : "") + ((center) ? ", top = " + ((screen.height - height) / 2) : "") + "');\n}\n// End -->\n" + start + "/sc" + "ript>\n"; output = scriptOutput + "\n\n" + otherOutput + '\n\n' + start +'!--代码结束--'+'>'; document.mail.source.value = output; document.mail.source2.value = output; uncode(); } --> 弹出式窗口代码产生器 在新窗口里要打开的文件 (文件的名字或URL地址...) 请选择要显示的窗口元素 toolbars status bar scrollbars menu bar location bar resizeable 输入窗口的大小(缺省是满屏打开) Witdh (in pixels) Height (in pixels) 窗口打开方式 点按钮 点超链 自动 让窗口出现在屏幕正中间? 把下面代码Copy到程序中: [Ctrl+A 全选 注:如需引入外部Js需刷新才能执行]