* 中国語と英語の文字長を取得します
* @param {} str
* @return {}
function LengthB(str){
var p1 = new RegExp('%u..', 'g')
var p2 = new RegExp('%.', 'g')
returnscape(str).replace(p1, '').replace(p2, '').length
* すべてのスペース文字をフィルタリング
* @param {Object} str
function jsTrim(str){
str = "";
while ((str.charAt(0) == ' ') || (str.charAt(0) == '???') || (escape(str.charAt(0)) == '% u3000'))
str = str.substring(1, str.length);
while ((str.charAt(str.length - 1) == ' ') || (str.charAt(str.length - 1) == '???') || (escape(str.charAt (str.length - 1)) == '%u3000'))
str = str.substring(0, str.length - 1);
* 中間文字列と複数のスペースをフィルターで除外します
* @param {Object} inputString
function trim(inputString){
if (typeof inputString != "string") {
return inputString;
var retValue = inputString;
var ch = retValue.substring(0, 1);
while (ch == " ") {
retValue = retValue.substring(1, retValue.length);
ch = retValue.substring(0, 1);
ch = retValue.substring(retValue.length - 1, retValue.length);
while (ch == " ") {
retValue = retValue.substring(0, retValue.length - 1);
ch = retValue.substring(retValue.length - 1, retValue.length);
while (retValue.indexOf(" ") != -1) {
retValue = retValue.substring(0, retValue.indexOf(" ")) retValue.substring(retValue.indexOf(" ") 1, retValue.length);
retValue を返します。
* フィルター文字列。フィルターの内容を指定します。内容が空の場合、デフォルトのフィルターは '~!@#$%^&*()-."
* @param {Object} str
* @ param {Object} filterStr
* @return フィルターの内容が含まれている場合は True を返し、それ以外の場合は false を返します。*/
function FilterStr(str, filterStr){
filterStr = filterStr == "" ? "'~!@#$%^&*()- ."" : filterStr
var ch;
var i;
var temp;
var error = false;//当包含非法文字符の場合、返される True
for (i = 0; i ch = filterStr.charAt(i);
temp = str.indexOf( ch);
if (temp != -1) {
エラー = true;
エラーを返します; *
* 指定されたコンテンツ文字列をフィルタリングします
* @param {Object} str 文字列をチェックします
* @param {Object} filterStr 文字列をフィルタリングします。コンテンツが空の場合は、デフォルトでフィルタリングします '~!@# $% ^&*()- ."
* @param {Object} alterStr ポップアップ ダイアログの内容
* @param {Object} idStr エラー フィールド ID を返す
function ISFilterStr(str, filterStr,alertStr, idStr){
alertStr = "对不起,您输入的 " alterStr " 不允包含 " filterStr " 非法字文字"; FilterStr(str, filterStr))
this.AlertAndRFalse(alertStr, idStr);
* URL であるかどうかを確認します
* @param {} str_url
* @param {} alterStr ポップアップ フィールドの内容
* @param {} idStr カーソルが置かれているフィールド ID は ID のみを受信できます
* @return {Boolean} not
function IsURL(str_url, alterStr, idStr){// 验证url
alertStr =alertStr "格式不正确!"; 9a-z_!~*'().&= $%-] : )?[0-9a-z_!~*'().&= $%-] @)?" // ftp的user@
"(([0-9]{1,3}.){3}[0-9]{1,3}" // IP 形式の URL-
" |" // 允许IP と DOMAIN(ドメイン名)
"([0-9a-z_!~*'()-] .)*" // ドメイン名- www.
" ([0-9a-z][0-9a-z-]{0,61})?[0-9a-z]." // 二级ドメイン名
"[a-z]{2, 6})" // 第一レベルドメイン - .com または .museum
"(:[0-9]{1,4})?" // 口口 - :80
" ((/?)|" // ファイル名がない場合はスラッシュは必要ありません
"(/[0-9a-z_!~*'().;?:@&= $ ,%#-] ) /?)$";
var re = new RegExp(strRegex);
if (!re.test(str_url))
this.AlertAndRFalse(alertStr, idStr);
* メールかどうかを確認します
* @param {} str
* @param {} alterStr ポップアップ フィールドの内容
* @param {} idStr カーソルが位置するフィールド ID* @return {Boolean} notメールは false を返します。*/
function IsEmail(str, alterStr, idStr){
alertStr = warningStr " 格式不确!";
var re = /^([a-zA-Z0-9] [_|-|.]?)*[a-zA-Z0-9] @([a-zA-Z0-9] [_ |-|.]?)*[a-zA-Z0-9] .[a-zA-Z]{2,3}$/;
if (!re.test(str))
this.AlertAndRFalse(alertStr, idStr);
* 检查が数字であるかどうか
* @param {} str
* @param {} alterStr 弹出字段内容
* @param {} idStr 光标定位置のフィールドID唯一受信できるID
* @return {ブール値}NotNumber returns false;
function IsNum(str, alertStr, idStr){
alertStr = alertStr "Should be composed of numbers!";
var re = /^[d] $/
if (!re.test(str))
this.AlertAndRFalse(alertStr, idStr);
* Check whether the value is within the given range
* @param {} str_num
* @param {} moreLen should be greater than or equal to the value
* @param {} lessLen should A value less than or equal to
* @param {} alertStr Pop-up field content
* @param {} idStr The field ID positioned by the cursor can only receive ID
* @return {Boolean } Less than the minimum value or greater than the maximum valueNumber returns false;
function IsRangeNum(str_num, moreLen, lessLen, alertStr, idStr){
IsNum(str_num, alertStr, idStr);
if (moreLen != "") {
alertStr = alertStr " The value cannot be less than " moreLen;
if (str_num this.AlertAndRFalse(alertStr, idStr);
if (lessLen != "") {
alertStr = alertStr " The value cannot be Greater than " lessLen;
if (str_num > lessLen)
this.AlertAndRFalse(alertStr, idStr);
if (moreLen == "" && lessLen == "")
this.AlertAndRFalse("Maximum and minimum length not defined!", idStr);
* Check whether it is a qualified string (case-insensitive)
* The length is between 6 and 20 characters, and it is a string composed of a-z0-9_
* @param {} str Checked string
* @param {} alertStr Pop-up field content
* @param {} idStr Cursor positioned field ID can only receive ID
* @return {Boolean} not"The length is between 6 and 20 digits and consists of a-z0-9_" returns false;
function IsLicit(str, alertStr, idStr){
alertStr = " Sorry, " alertStr " cannot be empty and can only consist of 0 to 9 a to z underscores 6 to 20 digits! ";
var re = /^[_0-9a-zA-Z]{6,20} $/
if (!re.test(str))
this.AlertAndRFalse(alertStr, idStr);
* Check whether two strings are equal
* @param {} str1 The first string
* @param {} str2 The second string
* @param {} alertStr popup field Content
* @param {} idStr The field ID positioned by the cursor can only receive ID
* @return {Boolean} If the strings are not equal, return false;
function IsStrEquals(str1, str2, alertStr, idStr){
alertStr = "Secondary" alertStr " is inconsistent!";
if (str1 != str2)
this.AlertAndRFalse(alertStr, idStr);
* Check whether the string is within the given length range (Chinese characters are calculated as 2 bytes)
* @param {} str Checked characters
* @param {} moreLen The length that should be greater than or equal to
* @param {} lessLen The length that should be less than or equal to
* @param {} alertStr Pop-up field content
* @param {} idStr Field ID where the cursor is positioned< ;b>Can only receive ID
* @return {Boolean} Less than the minimum length or greater than the maximum lengthNumber returns false;
function IsRange(str, moreLen, lessLen, alertStr, idStr){
var strLen = LengthB(str);
if (moreLen != "") {
alertStr = alertStr " should be greater than or equal to " moreLen " bytes in length!";
if (strLen this.AlertAndRFalse(alertStr, idStr);
if (lessLen != "") {
alertStr = alertStr " should be less than or equal to " lessLen " bytes in length!";
if (strLen > lessLen)
this.AlertAndRFalse(alertStr, idStr) ;
if (moreLen == "" && lessLen == "")
this.AlertAndRFalse("Maximum and minimum length not defined!", idStr);
/* *
* Check whether the string is less than the given length range (Chinese characters are calculated as 2 bytes)
* @param {} str string
* @param {} lessLen less than or equal to Length
* @param {} alertStr pop-up field content
* @param {} idStr field ID positioned by the cursor can only receive ID
* @return {Boolean} returns false;
function IsLess(str, lessLen, alertStr, idStr){
IsRange(str, "", lessLen, alertStr, idStr);
* Check that the character is not empty
* @param {} str
* @param {} alertStr Pop-up field content
* @param {} idStr The field ID of the cursor position can only be received ID
* @return {Boolean} The character is emptyReturn false;
function IsEmpty(str, alertStr, idStr){
alertStr = alertStr "Cannot be empty!";
if (str == "")
this.AlertAndRFalse(alertStr, idStr );
* Pop up an alert box and locate the error field
* @param {} alertStr Pop up the warning box content
* @param {} idStr Return field focus
* @return {Boolean} Return false
function AlertAndRFalse(alertStr, idStr){
throw "valueErr";
//JavaScript Document
function checkForm() {
try {
var title = trim(document.getElementById('title')); //記事タイトル
IsEmpty(title,"Article Title","title");//空にすることはできません
IsLess(title,100,"Article Title","title");//タイトルの長さは 100 文字未満である必要があります
ISFilterStr(title, "~`!@#$%^&*()-=_ []{}|\;':",./?", "記事タイトル","タイトル" ) //タイトルにこれらの不正な文字を含めることはできません
} catch(err) {
if(err == "valueErr")
return false;