ASP の Include メソッドは古すぎる、実際のプロジェクトでは、最初からこのファイルを使用する必要があるかどうかに関係なく、常にロードする必要があると不満を言う人は多いと思います。早めにインクルードしてください... この点では、PHP の方がはるかに快適です... いつ使用するか、いつ使用するか...
2003 年には Blue Ideal で動的インクルードに関する記事を目にしました。とても面白いと感じましたが、実際に使ってみると、インクルード効果が良くなく、不便でした
その後、改良版をウェブサイトで見ましたが、あまり使いやすかったです。 ~~
今日は、今日のことを覚えておかなきゃ~~~見つけた外国のウェブサイトにもこんな良いものがありました 素晴らしい~~~素晴らしい作品です!!!
さて、この幽霊の男は、(dselkirk) によって書かれたクラスが私たちのためにこれを行うことができます~~~
<% public include, include_vars set include = new cls_include class cls_include private sub class_initialize() set include_vars = server .createobject("scripting.dictionary") end sub private sub class_deactivate() I Arr_variables.Removeal Include_vars = Nothing を設定 PUBLIC DEFAULT FUNCTION Include (Byval Str_Path) r_source f if str_path & lt; "" then If request.querystring("debug") = 1 then response.write str_source response.end else " end if end function private subconvert2code(str_source) dim i, str_temp, arr_temp, int_len if str_source <> "" then if instr(str_source,"% " & ">") > instr(str_source,"<" & "%") then str_temp = replace(str_source,"<" & "%","|%" ) str_temp = replace(str_temp,"%" & ">","|") if left(str_temp,1) = "|" then str_temp = right(str_temp,len(str_temp) - 1) if right(str_temp,1) = "|" then str_temp = left(str_temp,len(str_temp) - 1) arr_temp = split(str_temp,"|") int_len = ubound(arr_temp) if (int_len + 1) > 0 その後、 for i = 0 to int_len str_temp = trim(arr_temp(i)) str_temp = replace(str_temp,vbcrlf & vbcrlf,vbcrlf) if left(str_temp,2) = vbcrlf then str_temp = right(str_temp,len (str_temp) - 2) if right(str_temp,2) = vbcrlf then str_temp = left(str_temp,len(str_temp) - 2) if left(str_temp,1) = "%" then str_temp = right(str_temp, len(str_temp) - 1) if left(str_temp,1) = "=" then str_temp = right(str_temp,len(str_temp) - 1) str_temp = "response.write " & str_temp end if else if str_temp <> "" 次に include_vars.add i, str_temp str_temp = "response.write include_vars.item(" & i & ")" end if end if str_temp = replace(str_temp,chr(34) & chr(34) & " & ","") str_temp = replace(str_temp," & " & chr(34) & chr(34),"") if right(str_temp,2) <> vbcrlf then str_temp = str_temp arr_temp(i) = str_temp next str_source = join(arr_temp,vbcrlf) end if else if str_source <> "" その後 include_vars.add "var", str_source str_source = "response.write include_vars.item(""var"")" end if end if end if end sub private sub processincludes(str_source) dim int_start, str_path, str_mid, str_temp str_source = replace (str_source,"")) int_start = 0 まで行う str_mid = lcase(getbetween(str_source,"")) int_start = instr (str_mid,"#include") if int_start > 0 then str_temp = lcase(getbetween(str_mid,chr(34),chr(34))) str_temp = trim(str_temp) str_path = readfile(str_temp) str_source = replace(str_source,"",str_path & vbcrlf) end if int_start = instr(str_source,"#include") ループ end sub private sub formatcode(str_code) dim i, arr_temp, int_len str_code = replace(str_code,vbcrlf & vbcrlf,vbcrlf) if left(str_code,2) = vbcrlf then str_code = right(str_code,len(str_code) - 2) str_code = trim(str_code) if instr(str_code,vbcrlf ) > 0 then arr_temp = split(str_code,vbcrlf) for i = 0 to ubound(arr_temp) arr_temp(i) = ltrim(arr_temp(i)) arr_temp(i) if arr_temp(i) <> "" then arr_temp(i) = arr_temp(i) & vbcrlf next str_code = join(arr_temp,"") arr_temp = vbnull end if end sub プライベート 関数 readfile(str_path) dim objfso, objfile if str_path <> "" then if instr(str_path,":") = 0 then str_path = server.mappath(str_path) set objfso = server.createobject("scripting.filesystemobject") if objfso.fileexists(str_path) ) 次に set objfile = objfso.opentextfile(str_path, 1, false) if err.number = 0 then readfile = objfile.readall objfile.close end if set objfile = nothing end if set objfso = nothing end if end function private function getbetwe en(strdata, strstart, strend) dim lngstart, lngend lngstart = instr(strdata, strstart) + len( strstart) if (lngstart <> 0) then lngend = instr(lngstart, strdata, strend) if (lngend <> 0) then getbe tween = mid(strdata, lngstart, lngend - lngstart) end if end if end function end class %> |