CSS セレクターの複雑さとパフォーマンスのアナライザー。 analyze-css は、CSS パーサーによって起動されるイベントにバインドされた一連のルールとして構築されます。各ルールはメトリクスを生成し、より詳細な情報を含む「違反者」を追加できます (例については「使用法」セクションを参照)。
analyze-css は、コマンドライン用の「バイナリ」および CommonJS モジュールとして提供されます。以下を実行してグローバルにインストールします。
npm install --global analyze-css
コマンド ライン ツール
analyze-css "binary" を使用して、ローカル CSS ファイルまたはリモート CSS を分析できます。資産:
analyze-css --file examples/elecena.cssanalyze-css --url
標準入力経由で CSS を提供することもできます (ダッシュ: - に注目してください):
echo ".foo {margin: 0 \!important}" | analyze-css -
これにより、JSON 形式の結果が標準出力に出力されます。 --pretty (または -p ショートカット) オプションを使用して、人間が読み取れる出力を作成します。
基本的な HTTP 認証は、オプション --auth-user および --auth-pass を通じて提供できます。
CommonJS モジュール
var analyzer = require('analyze-css');new analyzer('.foo {margin: 0 !important}', function(err, results) { console.error(err); console.log(results); // example? see below});
// options can be providedvar opts = { 'noOffenders': true};new analyzer('.foo {margin: 0 !important}', opts, function(err, results) { console.error(err); console.log(results); // example? see below});```
grunt タスク
@DeuxHuitHuit によって作成されました
npm i grunt-contrib-analyze-css
設定可能なしきい値を使用し、analyze-css の結果をそれと比較します。
{ "generator": "analyze-css v0.8.0", "metrics": { "base64Length": 11332, "redundantBodySelectors": 0, "redundantChildNodesSelectors": 1, "colors": 106, "comments": 1, "commentsLength": 68, "complexSelectors": 37, "complexSelectorsByAttribute": 3, "duplicatedSelectors": 7, "duplicatedProperties": 24, "emptyRules": 0, "expressions": 0, "oldIEFixes": 51, "imports": 0, "importants": 3, "mediaQueries": 0, "multiClassesSelectors": 74, "parsingErrors": 0, "oldPropertyPrefixes": 79, "propertyResets": 0, "qualifiedSelectors": 28, "specificityIdAvg": 0.04, "specificityIdTotal": 25, "specificityClassAvg": 1.27, "specificityClassTotal": 904, "specificityTagAvg": 0.79, "specificityTagTotal": 562, "selectors": 712, "selectorLengthAvg": 1.5722460658082975, "selectorsByAttribute": 92, "selectorsByClass": 600, "selectorsById": 25, "selectorsByPseudo": 167, "selectorsByTag": 533, "universalSelectors": 5, "length": 55173, "rules": 433, "declarations": 1288 }, "offenders": { "importants": [ ".foo {margin: 0 !important}" ] }}
base64Length: total length of base64-encoded data in CSS source (will warn about base64-encoded data bigger than 4 kB)
redundantBodySelectors: number of redundant body selectors (e.g. body .foo, section body h2, but not body > h1)
redundantChildNodesSelectors: number of redundant child nodes selectors (e.g. ul li, table tr)
colors: number of unique colors used in CSS
comments: number of comments in CSS source
commentsLength: length of comments content in CSS source
complexSelectors: number of complex selectors (consisting of more than three expressions, e.g. header ul li .foo)
complexSelectorsByAttribute: number of selectors with complex matching by attribute (e.g. [class$="foo"])
duplicatedSelectors: number of CSS selectors defined more than once in CSS source
duplicatedProperties: number of CSS property definitions duplicated within a selector
emptyRules: number of rules with no properties (e.g. .foo { })
expressions: number of rules with CSS expressions (e.g. expression( document.body.clientWidth > 600 ? "600px" : "auto" ))
oldIEFixes: number of fixes for old versions of Internet Explorer (e.g. * html .foo {} and .foo { *zoom: 1 }, read more)
imports number of @import rules
importants: number of properties with value forced by !important
mediaQueries: number of media queries (e.g. @media screen and (min-width: 1370px))
multiClassesSelectors: reports selectors with multiple classes (e.g.
parsingErrors: number of CSS parsing errors
oldPropertyPrefixes: number of properties with no longer needed vendor prefix, powered by data provided by autoprefixer (e.g. --moz-border-radius)
propertyResets: number of accidental property resets
qualifiedSelectors: number of qualified selectors (e.g. header#nav, .foo#bar, h1.title)
specificityIdAvg: average specificity for ID
specificityIdTotal: total specificity for ID
specificityClassAvg: average specificity for class, pseudo-class or attribute
specificityClassTotal: total specificity for class, pseudo-class or attribute
specificityTagAvg: average specificity for element
specificityTagTotal: total specificity for element
selectors: number of selectors (e.g. .foo, .bar { color: red } is counted as two selectors - .foo and .bar)
selectorLengthAvg: average length of selector (e.g. for .foo .bar, #test div > span { color: red } will be set as 2.5)
selectorsByAttribute: number of selectors by attribute (e.g. .foo[value=bar])
selectorsByClass: number of selectors by class
selectorsById: number of selectors by ID
selectorsByPseudo: number of pseudo-selectors (e,g. :hover)
selectorsByTag: number of selectors by tag name
universalSelectors: number of selectors trying to match every element (e.g. .foo > *)
length: length of CSS source (in bytes)
rules: number of rules (e.g. .foo, .bar { color: red } is counted as one rule)
declarations: number of declarations (e.g. .foo, .bar { color: red } is counted as one declaration - color: red)
Read more
- Writing Efficient CSS (by Mozilla)
- Optimize browser rendering (by Google)
- Profiling CSS for fun and profit. Optimization notes.
- CSS specificity
- CSS Selector Performance has changed! (For the better) (by Nicole Sullivan)
- CSS Performance (by Paul Irish)
- GitHub's CSS Performance (by Joh Rohan)
Dev hints
Running tests and linting the code:
npm test && npm run-script lint
Turning on debug mode (i.e. verbose logging to stderr via debug module):
DEBUG=analyze-css* analyze-css ...