ホームページ >バックエンド開発 >PHPチュートリアル >PHPで画像のexif属性情報を取得する方法
<?php<br />/**<br />* 获取图象信息的函数<br />*<br />* 一个全面获取图象信息的函数<br />*<br />* @access public<br />* @param string $img 图片路径<br />* @return array<br />*/<br />function GetImageInfoVal($ImageInfo,$val_arr) {<br /> $InfoVal = "未知";<br /> foreach($val_arr as $name=>$val) {<br /> if ($name==$ImageInfo) {<br /> $InfoVal = &$val;<br /> break;<br /> }<br /> }<br /> return $InfoVal;<br />}<br />function GetImageInfo($img) {<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> $imgtype = array("", "GIF", "JPG", "PNG", "SWF", "PSD", "BMP", "TIFF(intel byte order)", "TIFF(motorola byte order)", "JPC", "JP2", "JPX", "JB2", "SWC", "IFF", "WBMP", "XBM");<br /> $Orientation = array("", "top left side", "top right side", "bottom right side", "bottom left side", "left side top", "right side top", "right side bottom", "left side bottom");<br /> $ResolutionUnit = array("", "", "英寸", "厘米");<br /> $YCbCrPositioning = array("", "the center of pixel array", "the datum point");<br /> $ExposureProgram = array("未定义", "手动", "标准程序", "光圈先决", "快门先决", "景深先决", "运动模式", "肖像模式", "风景模式");<br /> $MeteringMode_arr = array(<br /> "0" => "未知",<br /> "1" => "平均",<br /> "2" => "中央重点平均测光",<br /> "3" => "点测",<br /> "4" => "分区",<br /> "5" => "评估",<br /> "6" => "局部",<br /> "255" => "其他"<br /> );<br /> $Lightsource_arr = array(<br /> "0" => "未知",<br /> "1" => "日光",<br /> "2" => "荧光灯",<br /> "3" => "钨丝灯",<br /> "10" => "闪光灯",<br /> "17" => "标准灯光A",<br /> "18" => "标准灯光B",<br /> "19" => "标准灯光C",<br /> "20" => "D55",<br /> "21" => "D65",<br /> "22" => "D75",<br /> "255" => "其他"<br /> );<br /> $Flash_arr = array(<br /> "0" => "flash did not fire",<br /> "1" => "flash fired",<br /> "5" => "flash fired but strobe return light not detected",<br /> "7" => "flash fired and strobe return light detected",<br /> );<br /> <br /> $exif = exif_read_data ($img,"IFD0");<br /> if ($exif===false) {<br /> $new_img_info = array ("文件信息" => "没有图片EXIF信息");<br /> }<br /> else<br /> {<br /> $exif = exif_read_data ($img,0,true);<br /> $new_img_info = array (<br /> "文件信息" => "-----------------------------",<br /> "文件名" => $exif[FILE][FileName],<br /> "文件类型" => $imgtype[$exif[FILE][FileType]],<br /> "文件格式" => $exif[FILE][MimeType],<br /> "文件大小" => $exif[FILE][FileSize],<br /> "时间戳" => date("Y-m-d H:i:s",$exif[FILE][FileDateTime]),<br /> "图像信息" => "-----------------------------",<br /> "图片说明" => $exif[IFD0][ImageDescription],<br /> "制造商" => $exif[IFD0][Make],<br /> "型号" => $exif[IFD0][Model],<br /> "方向" => $Orientation[$exif[IFD0][Orientation]],<br /> "水平分辨率" => $exif[IFD0][XResolution].$ResolutionUnit[$exif[IFD0][ResolutionUnit]],<br /> "垂直分辨率" => $exif[IFD0][YResolution].$ResolutionUnit[$exif[IFD0][ResolutionUnit]],<br /> "创建软件" => $exif[IFD0][Software],<br /> "修改时间" => $exif[IFD0][DateTime],<br /> "作者" => $exif[IFD0][Artist],<br /> "YCbCr位置控制" => $YCbCrPositioning[$exif[IFD0][YCbCrPositioning]],<br /> "版权" => $exif[IFD0][Copyright],<br /> "摄影版权" => $exif[COMPUTED][Copyright.Photographer],<br /> "编辑版权" => $exif[COMPUTED][Copyright.Editor],<br /> "拍摄信息" => "-----------------------------",<br /> "Exif版本" => $exif[EXIF][ExifVersion],<br /> "FlashPix版本" => "Ver. ".number_format($exif[EXIF][FlashPixVersion]/100,2),<br /> "拍摄时间" => $exif[EXIF][DateTimeOriginal],<br /> "数字化时间" => $exif[EXIF][DateTimeDigitized],<br /> "拍摄分辨率高" => $exif[COMPUTED][Height],<br /> "拍摄分辨率宽" => $exif[COMPUTED][Width],<br /> /*<br /> The actual aperture value of lens when the image was taken.<br /> Unit is APEX.<br /> To convert this value to ordinary F-number(F-stop),<br /> calculate this value's power of root 2 (=1.4142).<br /> For example, if the ApertureValue is '5', F-number is pow(1.41425,5) = F5.6.<br /> */<br /> "光圈" => $exif[EXIF][ApertureValue],<br /> "快门速度" => $exif[EXIF][ShutterSpeedValue],<br /> "快门光圈" => $exif[COMPUTED][ApertureFNumber],<br /> "最大光圈值" => "F".$exif[EXIF][MaxApertureValue],<br /> "曝光时间" => $exif[EXIF][ExposureTime],<br /> "F-Number" => $exif[EXIF][FNumber],<br /> "测光模式" => GetImageInfoVal($exif[EXIF][MeteringMode],$MeteringMode_arr),<br /> "光源" => GetImageInfoVal($exif[EXIF][LightSource], $Lightsource_arr),<br /> "闪光灯" => GetImageInfoVal($exif[EXIF][Flash], $Flash_arr),<br /> "曝光模式" => ($exif[EXIF][ExposureMode]==1?"手动":"自动"),<br /> "白平衡" => ($exif[EXIF][WhiteBalance]==1?"手动":"自动"),<br /> "曝光程序" => $ExposureProgram[$exif[EXIF][ExposureProgram]],<br /> /*<br /> Brightness of taken subject, unit is APEX. To calculate Exposure(Ev) from BrigtnessValue(Bv), you must add SensitivityValue(Sv).<br /> Ev=Bv+Sv Sv=log((ISOSpeedRating/3.125),2)<br /> ISO100:Sv=5, ISO200:Sv=6, ISO400:Sv=7, ISO125:Sv=5.32. <br /> */<br /> "曝光补偿" => $exif[EXIF][ExposureBiasValue]."EV",<br /> "ISO感光度" => $exif[EXIF][ISOSpeedRatings],<br /> "分量配置" => (bin2hex($exif[EXIF][ComponentsConfiguration])=="01020300"?"YCbCr":"RGB"),//'0x04,0x05,0x06,0x00'="RGB" '0x01,0x02,0x03,0x00'="YCbCr"<br /> "图像压缩率" => $exif[EXIF][CompressedBitsPerPixel]."Bits/Pixel",<br /> "对焦距离" => $exif[COMPUTED][FocusDistance]."m",<br /> "焦距" => $exif[EXIF][FocalLength]."mm",<br /> "等价35mm焦距" => $exif[EXIF][FocalLengthIn35mmFilm]."mm",<br /> /*<br /> Stores user comment. This tag allows to use two-byte character code or unicode. First 8 bytes describe the character code. 'JIS' is a Japanese character code (known as Kanji).<br /> '0x41,0x53,0x43,0x49,0x49,0x00,0x00,0x00':ASCII<br /> '0x4a,0x49,0x53,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00':JIS<br /> '0x55,0x4e,0x49,0x43,0x4f,0x44,0x45,0x00':Unicode<br /> '0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00':Undefined<br /> */<br /> "用户注释编码" => $exif[COMPUTED][UserCommentEncoding],<br /> "用户注释" => $exif[COMPUTED][UserComment],<br /> "色彩空间" => ($exif[EXIF][ColorSpace]==1?"sRGB":"Uncalibrated"),<br /> "Exif图像宽度" => $exif[EXIF][ExifImageLength],<br /> "Exif图像高度" => $exif[EXIF][ExifImageWidth],<br /> "文件来源" => (bin2hex($exif[EXIF][FileSource])==0x03?"digital still camera":"unknown"),<br /> "场景类型" => (bin2hex($exif[EXIF][SceneType])==0x01?"A directly photographed image":"unknown"),<br /> "缩略图文件格式" => $exif[COMPUTED][Thumbnail.FileType],<br /> "缩略图Mime格式" => $exif[COMPUTED][Thumbnail.MimeType]<br /> );<br /> }<br /> return $new_img_info;<br />}<br /> <br />$innerhtml = "";<br />$exif = GetImageInfo($_GET['img']);<br />$innerhtml .= "<TABLE>";<br /> <br />foreach($exif as $name=>$val) {<br /> $innerhtml .= "<TR><TD>{$name}</TD><TD>{$val}</TD></TR>";<br />}<br /> <br />$innerhtml .= "<TR><TD colspan=\"2\">";<br />if ($_GET['img']) {<br /> $image = exif_thumbnail($_GET['img']);<br />} else {<br /> $image = false;<br />}<br />if ($image!==false) {<br /> $innerhtml .= "<img src=\"thumbnail.php?img=".$_GET['img']."\">";<br />} else {<br /> // no thumbnail available, handle the error here<br /> $innerhtml .= "No thumbnail available";<br />}<br /> <br />$innerhtml .= "</TD></TR></TABLE>";<br />?><br /><html><br /><head> <br /><title>图片信息</title><br /><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=??????"><br /></head><br /><body><br /><SCRIPT><br /><!--<br />//初始化内容值<br />parent.followTd<?=$_GET['r_id'];?>.innerHTML='<?=$innerhtml;?>';<br />//已读取<br />parent.document.images.followImg<?=$_GET['r_id'];?>.loaded='yes';<br />--><br /></SCRIPT><br /></body><br /></html>