ホームページ >バックエンド開発 >PHPチュートリアル >homestead php7のubuntu環境にphp redis拡張機能をインストールする方法

homestead php7のubuntu環境にphp redis拡張機能をインストールする方法

2016-06-20 12:27:131021ブラウズ

再投稿: https://laracasts.com/discuss/channels/tips/tutorial-guide-installing-php-redis-on-fresh-install-homestead-with-php7

vagrant@homestead:~$ sudo apt-get updatevagrant@homestead:~$ git clone -b php7 https://github.com/phpredis/phpredis.gitvagrant@homestead:~$ sudo mv phpredis/ /etc/vagrant@homestead:~$ cd /etc/phpredisvagrant@homestead:/etc/phpredis$  phpizevagrant@homestead:/etc/phpredis$ ./configurevagrant@homestead:/etc/phpredis$ make && make installNote This is an Extension You Need to Enable to Make it Work  in Php 7This First Command Will Allow You To Call PHPREDIS Facade in Browservagrant@homestead:/etc/phpredis$ sudo vim /etc/php/7.0/fpm/conf.d/redis.iniInside Vim Paste thisextension=/etc/phpredis/modules/redis.so:w!     ->write/save:q  ->exit vimNOTE This Extension needs To be Enable in PHP ini to ENABLE it on your Command Line Interface Such As Artisan.The Usual Problem You Will Face If You Wont do this is Get a Redis Class Not Foundvagrant@homestead:/etc/phpredis$ sudo vim /etc/php/7.0/cli/php.inithen Look for this Word CLI ServerType/CLI Server Add to the last line of extensionextension=/etc/phpredis/modules/redis.so:w!     ->write/save:q  ->exit vimvagrant@homestead:/etc/phpredis$ sudo service php7.0-fpm restartvagrant@homestead:/etc/phpredis$ sudo service nginx restartTo Test if PhpRedis Extension is Workingphp -r "if (new Redis() == true){ echo \"\r\n OK \r\n\"; }"It Should Return OK! 

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