ホームページ >ウェブフロントエンド >jsチュートリアル >getBoundingClientRect メソッド_javascript スキルを使用して単純なスティッキー コンポーネントを実装する方法

getBoundingClientRect メソッド_javascript スキルを使用して単純なスティッキー コンポーネントを実装する方法

2016-05-16 15:10:031859ブラウズ




1. 實現思路








Obviously, this is the second critical point we are looking for, but its judgment condition is: when the distance between the bottom of the target element and the top of the browser is less than the height of the sticky element, the sticky element will be unfixed. The reason why the height here is less than the height of the sticky element instead of less than 0 is because for components developed based on the critical point of less than 0, the target element will almost disappear from the browser's visible area, but the sticky element is still fixed there. Effect:

sticky also covers the content of the footer. It was originally intended to facilitate user operations, but it ended up affecting user operations. Therefore, the critical point of unfixing must be advanced, and the height of the sticky element is most appropriate.

Through the previous dismantling of the demo change process, we have obtained two critical points of sticky state changes when the scroll bar scrolls all the way down:

1) When the distance between the top of the target element and the top of the browser is less than 0, the sticky element will be fixed;

2) When the distance between the bottom of the target element and the top of the browser is less than the height of the sticky element, the sticky element will be unfixed.

Based on these two critical points, it can be concluded that when the scroll bar scrolls down, the judgment condition for the fixed scroll range of the sticky element is: the distance between the top of the target element and the top of the browser is less than 0 and the bottom of the target element is The distance from the top of the browser is greater than the height of the sticky element. And this judgment condition also applies to the situation when the scroll bar scrolls upward, because when the scroll bar keeps scrolling upward, the critical point of sticky state change is:

1) When the distance between the bottom of the target element and the top of the browser is greater than the height of the sticky element, the sticky element will be fixed;

2) When the distance between the top of the target element and the top of the browser is greater than 0, the sticky element will be unfixed.

(These two critical points actually have the same meaning as the two critical points mentioned when the scroll bar scrolls down, but they are just the opposite of what is true)

So as long as you get the three values ​​[distance between the top of the target element and the top of the browser], [distance between the bottom of the target element and the top of the browser], and [height of the sticky element], you can basically implement this component. . The height of the sticky element among these three values ​​​​is determined by the design drawing. It is known from the beginning of the web page. When defining the component, we can pass it in from the outside. Although its height can also be obtained from js, obviously There is no need to add additional calculations; the other two values ​​[the distance between the top of the target element and the top of the browser] and [the distance between the bottom of the target element and the top of the browser] can be obtained by using a method provided by the DOM. This The method is: getBoundingClientRect, which is a method with good compatibility. Its calling method is:

var target = document.getElementById('main-container');
var rect = target.getBoundingClientRect();

Returns a ClientRect object. This object stores some information about the element box model, such as its width and height, as well as the distance between the upper and lower edges of the element box and the top edge of the browser (top and bottom), and the distance between the left and right sides. The distance between the left edge of the browser (left and right):

top and bottom are exactly what we want to get [the distance between the top of the target element and the top of the browser], [the distance between the bottom of the target element and the top of the browser], and when the top or bottom of the box does not exceed the top of the browser When , top and bottom are both values ​​greater than 0, and when the top or bottom of the box exceeds the top of the browser, top and bottom are values ​​less than 0:

When we find the three values ​​[distance between the top of the target element and the top of the browser], [distance between the bottom of the target element and the top of the browser], and [height of the sticky element], we can use code to describe it. Previous judgment conditions:

rect.top < 0 && (rect.bottom - stickyHeight) > 0;



1)当target元素的顶部离浏览器顶部的距离 + sticky元素的高度 小于浏览器可视区域的高度时,sticky元素被固定;



var docClientWidth = document.documentElement.clientHeight;
rect.bottom > docClientWidth && (rect.top + stickyHeight) < docClientWidth;

2. 实现细节



<div class="container-fluid sticky-wrapper">
<ul id="sticky" data-target="#main-container" class="sticky nav nav-pills">
<li role="presentation" class="active"><a href="#">Home</a></li>
<li role="presentation"><a href="#">Profile</a></li>
<li role="presentation"><a href="#">Messages</a></li>
<div id="main-container" class="container-fluid">
<div class="row">


<div id="main-container" class="container-fluid">
<div class="row">
<div class="container-fluid sticky-wrapper">
<ul id="sticky" data-target="#main-container" class="sticky nav nav-pills">
<li role="presentation" class="active"><a href="#">Home</a></li>
<li role="presentation"><a href="#">Profile</a></li>
<li role="presentation"><a href="#">Messages</a></li>


a. 顺序问题,两种结构中,target元素与sticky的父元素顺序位置是反的;

b. sticky元素外面必须包裹一层元素,而且还得给这一层元素设置height属性:

.sticky-wrapper {
margin-bottom: 10px;
height: 52px;



让一个元素固定在浏览器的某个位置,当然是通过position: fixed来弄,所以可以用两个css类来实现固定在顶部和固定在底部的效果:

.sticky--in-top,.sticky--in-bottom {
position: fixed;
z-index: 1000;
.sticky--in-top {
top: 0;
.sticky--in-bottom {
bottom: 0;





$(window).scroll(function() {
var rect = $target[0].getBoundingClientRect();
if (rect.top < 0 && (rect.bottom - stickyHeight) > 0) {
!$elem.hasClass('sticky--in-top') && $elem.addClass('sticky--in-top').css('width', stickyWidth + 'px');
} else {
$elem.hasClass('sticky--in-top') && $elem.removeClass('sticky--in-top').css('width', 'auto');



$(window).scroll(function() {
var rect = $target[0].getBoundingClientRect(),
docClientWidth = document.documentElement.clientHeight; 
if (rect.bottom > docClientWidth && (rect.top + stickyHeight) < docClientWidth) {
!$elem.hasClass('sticky--in-bottom') && $elem.addClass('sticky--in-bottom').css('width', stickyWidth + 'px');
} else {
$elem.hasClass('sticky--in-bottom') && $elem.removeClass('sticky--in-bottom').css('width', 'auto');




function throttle(func, wait) {
var timer = null;
return function() {
var self = this,
args = arguments;
if (timer) clearTimeout(timer);
timer = setTimeout(function() {
return typeof func === 'function' && func.apply(self, args);
}, wait);


$(window).scroll(throttle(function() {
var rect = $target[0].getBoundingClientRect(),
docClientWidth = document.documentElement.clientHeight; 
if (rect.bottom > docClientWidth && (rect.top + stickyHeight) < docClientWidth) {
!$elem.hasClass('sticky--in-bottom') && $elem.addClass('sticky--in-bottom').css('width', stickyWidth + 'px');
} else {
$elem.hasClass('sticky--in-bottom') && $elem.removeClass('sticky--in-bottom').css('width', 'auto');
}, 50);



window resize总是在定义组件的时候带来问题,因为页面可视区域的宽高度发生了变化,sticky元素的父容器宽度也可能发生了变化,而且resize的时候不会触发scroll事件,所以我们需要在resize回调内,刷新sticky元素的宽度以及重新调用固定效果的逻辑,这个相关的代码就不贴出来了,后面直接看整体实现吧,否则我怕放出来会影响理解。总之resize是我们在定义组件的时候肯定要考虑的,不过一般都放到最后来处理,有点算处理BUG之类的工作。

3. 整体实现


* @param elem: jquery选择器,用来获取要被固定的元素
* @param opts:
* - target: jquery选择器,用来获取表示固定范围的元素
* - type: top|bottom,表示要固定的位置
* - height: 要固定的元素的高度,由于高度在做页面时就是确定的并且几乎不会被DOM操作改变,直接从外部传入可以除去获取元素高度的操作
* - wait: 滚动事件回调的节流时间,控制回调至少隔多长时间才执行一次
* - getStickyWidth:获取要固定元素的宽度,window resize或者DOM操作会导致固定元素的宽度发生变化,需要这个回调来刷新stickyWidth
var Sticky = function (elem, opts) {
var $elem = $(elem), $target = $(opts.target || $elem.data('target'));
if (!$elem.length || !$target.length) return;
var stickyWidth, $win = $(window),
stickyHeight = opts.height || $elem[0].offsetHeight,
rules = {
top: function (rect) {
return rect.top < 0 && (rect.bottom - stickyHeight) > 0;
bottom: function (rect) {
var docClientWidth = document.documentElement.clientHeight;
return rect.bottom > docClientWidth && (rect.top + stickyHeight) < docClientWidth;
type = (opts.type in rules) && opts.type || 'top',
className = 'sticky--in-' + type;
$win.scroll(throttle(sticky, $.isNumeric(opts.wait) && parseInt(opts.wait) || 100));
$win.resize(throttle(function () {
}, 50));
function refreshStickyWidth() {
stickyWidth = typeof opts.getStickyWidth === 'function' && opts.getStickyWidth($elem) || $elem[0].offsetWidth;
$elem.hasClass(className) && $elem.css('width', stickyWidth + 'px');
function sticky() {
if (rules[type]($target[0].getBoundingClientRect())) {
!$elem.hasClass(className) && $elem.addClass(className).css('width', stickyWidth + 'px');
} else {
$elem.hasClass(className) && $elem.removeClass(className).css('width', 'auto');
function throttle(func, wait) {
var timer = null;
return function () {
var self = this, args = arguments;
if (timer) clearTimeout(timer);
timer = setTimeout(function () {
return typeof func === 'function' && func.apply(self, args);
}, wait);


new Sticky('#sticky',{
height: 52,
getStickyWidth: function($elem){
return ($elem.parent()[0].offsetWidth - 30);


new Sticky('#sticky',{
height: 52,
type: 'bottom',
getStickyWidth: function($elem){
return ($elem.parent()[0].offsetWidth - 30);


4. 总结

本文提供了一个很常见的sticky组件实现,实现这个组件的关键在于找到控制sticky元素固定与否的关键点,同时在实现的时候函数节流跟window resize的问题需要特别注意。










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