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JavaScript has built-in objects such as Date, Array, String, etc., which are powerful and easy to use, and everyone loves them. However, when dealing with some complex logic, the built-in objects are very powerless, and developers often need to customize objects. .
According to the definition of JavaScript, an object is a collection of unordered properties, and its properties can contain basic values, objects or functions. That is to say, an object is a set of attributes in no particular order. Each attribute is mapped to a value, which is a set of key-value pairs. The value can be data or an object.
Object is the basic data type of JavaScript. In JavaScript, values other than strings, numbers, true, false, null, and undefined are objects. Therefore, it is very difficult to continue learning JavaScript without understanding the objects. Start learning about objects today.
Object is a basic data type in JavaScript. In terms of data structure, it is a hash table, which can be regarded as an unordered collection of attributes. Everything else is an object except the original value. These values are accessed through the property name, which can be any string including the null character. To put it simply, an object is a collection of attributes. An attribute contains a name (key) and a value (value).
To understand what a JavaScript object is, you can think of it this way. In JavaScript, an object is a specific body with properties. Take the girl you see. This girl is an object. She has her own attributes. For example, the girl’s height, age, name, etc. Similarly, in JavaScript, properties can also be used to define characteristics of an object.
Create object
Since you want to learn objects, you must first have an object. Then the question arises, how to create an object in JavaScript? Next, let’s take a look at how to create objects in JavaScript.
Many books on JavaScript introduce methods of object creation, mainly including:
Use object literals to create objects (key-value)
Use new to create objects
Create objects using Object.create()
Use functions to create objects
Create objects using prototypes
Create objects using object literals
Object literal is the simplest form of creating objects. It aims to simplify the process of creating objects containing a large number of properties. The object literal is a mapping table composed of pairs of attribute names (keys) and attribute values (values). Key and value are separated by colons (:), and each pair of key/values is separated by commas (,). The entire mapping Tables are enclosed in curly braces ({}).
The syntax for creating objects through object literals is as follows:
var obj = { property_1: value_1, // property_# 可能是一个标识符... 2: value_2, // 或者是一个数字 // ..., "property n": value_n // 或是一个字符串 };
Here obj is the name of the created object, each property_i is an identifier (can be a name, number or string literal), and each value_i is its value, and this value is assigned to property_i. Let’s look at a specific example:
var girl = { 'name': '欣欣', 'age' : 18, 'height': 175, 'weight': 45 }
This example creates an object named girl. The object has four attributes: name, age, height and weight. These four attributes correspond to an attribute value.
When creating an object using object literals, if you leave its curly braces ({}) empty, you can define an object containing only default properties and methods. Such as:
var obj = {}
When using an object created in this way, you can create object attributes for object obj through the dot (.), that is, obj.key, and assign the object's attribute value. In addition, you can also create object attributes for the object obj through square brackets ([]), that is, obj['key'], and assign the object's attribute values. As an example below:
var girl = {}; girl.name = '欣欣'; girl.age = 18; girl['height'] = 175; girl['weight'] = 45;
When printing the girl object in Chrome, the output result is as follows:
console.log(girl); //Object {name: "欣欣", age: 18, height: 175, weight: 45}
Use new to create objects
You can also create objects by using the new operator followed by the Object constructor (more on the constructor later):
var obj = new Object(); // Same as obj = {}
Although obj is an empty object in the initial state, members can be easily added and used dynamically in JavaScript, so we can continue to add member variables and methods. Such as:
var girl = new Object(); girl['name'] = '欣欣'; girl['age'] = 18; girl['height'] = 175; girl['weight'] = 45;
Use Object.create() to create objects
Objects can also be created using the Object.create() method. This method is useful because it allows you to choose the prototype object for the created object without defining a constructor.
The Object.create() method creates an object with the specified prototype and several specified properties.
Object.create(proto, [ propertiesObject ])
The Object.create() method creates an object and accepts two parameters. The first parameter is the prototype object proto of this object; the second is an optional parameter to further describe the properties of the object. . This method is very simple to use:
var obj1 = Object.create({ x: 1, y: 2 }); //对象obj1继承了属性x和y var obj2 = Object.create(null); //对象obj2没有原型
如果 proto 参数不是 null 或一个对象值,则抛出一个 TypeError 异常。
function Person() { this.name = "mary"; // 为这个类添加一个成员变量name,并为这个成员变量赋默认值 this.age = 5; this.sayHello = function () { console.log(this.name + " : " + this.age); }; }
var person1 = new Person(); person1.name = 'Tom'; person1.age = 20; person1.sayHello(); // Tom : 20 var person2 = new Person(); person2.name = 'W3cplus'; person2.age = 5; person2.sayHello(); // W3cplus : 5
function Person() { this.name = "W3cplus"; this.age = 5; this.walk = function () { console.log("一个前端网站..."); }; }
//添加成员方法 Person.prototype.sayHello = function () { console.log("hello"); }; //也可以添加成员属性, Person.prototype.height = 100;
function Person() { } Person.prototype.name = "W3cplus"; Person.prototype.age = 5; Person.prototype.walk = function () { console.log("一个前端网站..."); }; Person.prototype.sayHello = function () { console.log("hello"); }; Person.prototype.height = 100;
person['name']; person.name;
var propertyName = 'name'; person[propertyName];
person['first name'];
对象是JavaScript的基本数据类型,如果要更好的往下学习JavaScript相关的知识,很有必要先把对象整明白。这篇主要介绍了几种创建对象的方法。较为简单的是通过字面量({})和new Object()方法创建,但这两种方法创建的对象复用性较差;使用Object.create()创建对象时不需要定义一个构造函数就允许你在对象中选择其原型对象。除了这几种方法还可以使用函数和原型创建对象,而这两种方法相对来说可复用性强,只是使用较为复杂。