ホームページ >ウェブフロントエンド >jsチュートリアル >jQuery_jqueryに基づいてテーブルデータの動的追加と統計を実装するコード


2016-05-16 18:11:061569ブラウズ





最初の行で送料の計算を実装できます。然后点增加明细按钮时,调用jQuery clone(true)函数,建立第一行的副本对象插入到表格下方,由于使用clone(true)可以复制对象的事件处理函数,所以每行中文本框的onblur事件和运费计算函数也被成功复制,No further processing is required. Greatly reduces the workload.
Key code
(1) Create a cloned cell object and add it to the table

Copy code The code is as follows:

var v=$("#tbin");//Get the jquery object of the table
//All data rows have a Class of .MyRow, get the size of the data row
var vcount=$("#tbin tr").filter(".MyRow").size() 1;//How many data rows does the table have
var vTr=$("#tbin #trDataRow1"); //Get the first row of data in the table
var vTrClone=vTr.clone(true);//Create a copy object of the first row vTrClone
vTrClone.appendTo(v);//Create the copy cell object Add to the bottom of the table

(2) Statistical update total amount
Copy the code The code is as follows:

function UpdateTotal()//Update the total amount
var vTotalMoney=0;//The initial value of the total amount is 0;
var vTable=$("#tbin ");//Get the jquery object of the table
var vTotal= vTable.find("#txtTotal");//Get the total amount object
var vtxtAfters=vTable.find("#txtMoney");// Get all the calculated expense objects;
vtxtAfters.each( //Use jQuery's each function to traverse each row of expense objects and add them up to the total amount
var vTempValue=$ (this).val();
vTotalMoney=vTotalMoney parseFloat(vTempValue);//Calculate the total cost
)//End of traversal
vTotal.val(vTotalMoney); //Display the total cost into the corresponding text box object

(3) Calculate the cost when the billing weight changes, and calculate the total cost
Copy the code The code is as follows:

$("#txtMoneyWeight").bind("change", function()
var vTotalMoney=0;//The initial value of the total amount is 0;
var vtxtDetail=$(this); //Get the changed text box object
var vVal=vtxtDetail.val();
var vtxtAfter=vtxtDetail.parent("td").parent("tr").find("#txtRate"); //Get the rate;
var vtxtMoney=vtxtDetail.parent("td").parent("tr").find("#txtMoney");//Get the fee;
var vMoney=CalculatorMoney(vVal ,vtxtAfter.val());//Use formula to calculate single line freight rate
vtxtMoney.val(vMoney); //Display single line freight information
UpdateTotal(); //Call function to update total cost statistics
} ;

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