大家对 PHP导入Excel文件代码示例如下: ?php require_once '../Excel/reader.php'; // ExcelFile($filename, $encoding); $data = new Spreadsheet_Excel_Reader(); // Set output Encoding.指定中文码 $data->setOutputEncoding('gb2312'); /*** * if you want you can change ' iconv' to mb_convert_encoding: * $data->setUTFEncoder('mb'); **//*** * By default rows & cols indeces start with 1 * For change initial index use: * $data->setRowColOffset(0); **/ /*** * Some function for formatting output. * $data->setDefaultFormat('%.2f'); * setDefaultFormat - set format for columns with unknown formatting * $data->setColumnFormat(4, '%.3f'); * setColumnFormat - set format for column (apply only to number fields) **/ // 指定读取的excel文件 $data->read('../uploads/jsxz01.xls'); /* $data->sheets[0]['numRows'] - count rows $data->sheets[0]['numCols'] - count columns $data->sheets[0]['cells'][$i][$j] - data from $i-row $j-column $data->sheets[0]['cellsInfo'][$i][$j] - extended info about cell $data->sheets[0]['cellsInfo'][$i][$j]['type'] = "date" | "number" | "unknown" if 'type' == "unknown" - use 'raw' value, because cell contain value with format '0.00'; $data->sheets[0]['cellsInfo'][$i][$j]['raw'] = value if cell without format $data->sheets[0]['cellsInfo'][$i][$j]['colspan'] $data->sheets[0]['cellsInfo'][$i][$j]['rowspan'] */ error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE); // 循环读取每一个单元值 for ($i = 1; $i = $data->sheets[0] ['numRows']; $i++) { for ($j = 1; $j = $data->sheets[0] ['numCols']; $j++) { echo """.$data->sheets[0]['cells'] [$i][$j]."","; } echo " br>"; } //print_r($data); //print_r($data->formatRecords); ?> 希望上面这段PHP导入Excel文件的实现代码可以帮助我们对这一知识点有一个深刻的认识。