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PHP 对象、数组间的转换
/** * PHP 对象、数组间的转换 * * @author flyer0126 * @since 2012/05/03 **/// 1. 利用(array)和(object),简单处理$objTemp = (object)array();$objTemp->a = 1;$objTemp->b = 2;$objTemp->c = 3;$arrTemp = (array)$objTemp;print_r($objTemp);print_r($arrTemp);?/**stdClass Object( [a] => 1 [b] => 2 [c] => 3)Array( [a] => 1 [b] => 2 [c] => 3)**/// PS:简单的(array)和(object)只能处理单层的数据,对于多层的数组和对象转换则无能为力。// 2. 多维数组与对象间的转换处理/** * 将对象转换为多维数组 * **/function objectToArray($d) { if (is_object($d)) { // Gets the properties of the given object // with get_object_vars function $d = get_object_vars($d); } if (is_array($d)) { /* * Return array converted to object * Using __FUNCTION__ (Magic constant) * for recursive call */ return array_map(__FUNCTION__, $d); } else { // Return array return $d; }} /** * 将多维数组转换为对象 * **/function arrayToObject($d) { if (is_array($d)) { /* * Return array converted to object * Using __FUNCTION__ (Magic constant) * for recursive call */ return (object) array_map(__FUNCTION__, $d); } else { // Return object return $d; }}// Useage: $init = new stdClass;$init->foo = "Test data";$init->bar = new stdClass;$init->bar->baaz = "Testing";$init->bar->fooz = new stdClass;$init->bar->fooz->baz = "Testing again";$init->foox = "Just test";// Convert array to object and then object back to array$array = objectToArray($init);$object = arrayToObject($array);// Print objects and arrayprint_r($init);print_r($array);print_r($object);?/**stdClass Object( [foo] => Test data [bar] => stdClass Object ( [baaz] => Testing [fooz] => stdClass Object ( [baz] => Testing again ) ) [foox] => Just test)Array( [foo] => Test data [bar] => Array ( [baaz] => Testing [fooz] => Array ( [baz] => Testing again ) ) [foox] => Just test)stdClass Object( [foo] => Test data [bar] => stdClass Object ( [baaz] => Testing [fooz] => stdClass Object ( [baz] => Testing again ) ) [foox] => Just test)**/