Tailwind CSS チートシート

Barbara Streisand
Barbara Streisandオリジナル
2024-12-24 19:56:16675ブラウズ

Tailwind CSS Cheatsheet


Utility Class Description
container Centers the content.
block / inline-block Block-level or inline-block.
flex / grid Flexbox or Grid layout.
flex-col / flex-row Flex direction column/row.
items-center Align items vertically.
justify-center Align items horizontally.
gap-1 - gap-12 Spacing between items.


Utility Class Description
m-{size} Margin: mt, mb, ml, mr.
p-{size} Padding: pt, pb, pl, pr.
{size} options 0, px, 1 - 96, etc.


Utility Class Description
text-{size} Font size (e.g., text-sm).
font-bold Bold text.
font-medium Medium text.
font-light Light text.
text-left / text-center / text-right Text alignment.
text-gray-500 Text color.


Utility Class Description
bg-{color} Background color.
bg-gradient-to-r Gradient from left to right.
bg-opacity-{value} Background transparency.


Utility Class Description
border Default border width.
border-{color} Border color.
rounded / rounded-{size} Rounded corners.

Utility Class Description
shadow-sm Small shadow.
shadow-md Medium shadow.
shadow-lg Large shadow.
shadow-none No shadow.


Utility Class Description
w-{size} / h-{size} Width/Height (full, auto, percentages).
max-w-{size} Maximum width.
min-h-{size} Minimum height.


Utility Class Description
justify-start Align items at the start.
justify-between Space between items.
items-start Align items top.


Utility Class Description
absolute / relative Positioning modes.
top-{value} / left-{value} Offset values.
z-{value} Z-index (stacking).

Class Examples Description
text-blue-500 Blue text color.
bg-green-300 Green background color.
border-red-400 Red border color.


以上がTailwind CSS チートシートの詳細内容です。詳細については、PHP 中国語 Web サイトの他の関連記事を参照してください。

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