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BMI 計算用の Python プログラムを作成する

Patricia Arquette
Patricia Arquetteオリジナル
2024-11-19 02:07:02566ブラウズ

Write a Python program to BMI calculator

BMI 計算機:

BMI は、人の体重を低体重、標準、過体重、または肥満に分類するための迅速かつ安価な方法です。

BMI 計算式:

BMI は、体重を身長の 2 乗で割って計算されます:

BMI = 体重(kg) / [身長(m)]2

BMI = 体重 (ポンド) / [身長 (インチ)]2 x 703


# Input the weight in kilograms
weight = float(input("Enter your weight (in kg): "))

# Input the height in meters
height = float(input("Enter your height (in meters): "))

# Calculate BMI using the formula: 
bmi = weight / (height ** 2)

# Output the calculated BMI value
print("BMI:", round(bmi, 2))  # Rounds BMI to 2 decimal places 

# Function to provide feedback based on BMI 
def bmi_feedback(bmi):
    if bmi < 18.5:
        return "You are underweight"
    elif 18.5 <= bmi <= 24.9:
        return "You have a healthy weight"
    elif 25 <= bmi <= 29.9:
        return "You are overweight"
        return "You are obese"

# Call the feedback function and store the result
bmi_result = bmi_feedback(bmi)

# Output the BMI category feedback
print("BMI Result:", bmi_result)


Enter your weight:58
Enter your height:1.67
BMI: 20.796729893506402
BMI Result: You have a healthy weight

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