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JavaScript の継承メソッドは Object.Create と new のどちらを選択する必要がありますか?

Barbara Streisand
Barbara Streisandオリジナル
2024-11-15 13:57:02377ブラウズ

Which JavaScript Inheritance Method Should You Choose: Object.Create or new?

Understanding JavaScript Inheritance: A Comprehensive Explanation

Despite its popularity, JavaScript presents challenges when it comes to inheritance, with multiple approaches available. To demystify this subject, let's delve into the two primary methods: new and Object.Create.

Understanding the Role of Object.Create and new

While both Object.Create and new facilitate inheritance, they serve distinct purposes. Object.Create simply creates an object that inherits from another object, known as the prototype. In contrast, new not only establishes inheritance but also invokes a constructor function that initializes the new object.

Deciding on an Approach

The most appropriate method for your specific scenario depends on the desired outcome. If you wish to inherit from a prototype without invoking a constructor function, Object.Create is the preferred choice. For situations where constructor initialization is necessary, new is the more suitable option.

Implementing Inheritance with Object.Create

To inherit from a base object, Model, in your specific example, you should utilize Object.Create as follows:

RestModel.prototype = Object.create(Model.prototype);

This approach allows RestModel.prototype to inherit properties and methods from Model.prototype.

Combining Constructors with Prototypes

If invoking the Model constructor is desired, the new method can be used in conjunction with Object.Create. This is achieved by calling Model.call(this) within the constructor of your derived class, as illustrated below:

function RestModel() {
    Model.call(this); // apply Model's constructor on the new object

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