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Python で文字列を演算子関数に変換するにはどうすればよいですか?

Linda Hamilton
Linda Hamiltonオリジナル
2024-11-15 09:57:03398ブラウズ

How to Convert Strings to Operator Functions in Python?

Finding Operators from Strings

In Python, it is possible to convert a string representing an operator, such as "+", into the corresponding operator function.

Solution: Utilize a Lookup Table

One effective approach is to leverage a lookup table. Create a dictionary ops, where the keys are strings representing operators, and the values are the corresponding operator functions from operator module. For instance:

import operator
ops = { "+": operator.add, "-": operator.sub }

Now, you can retrieve the operator function by accessing the dictionary with the operator's string representation. For example, to obtain the addition operator:

add_operator = ops["+"]


Once you have the desired operator, you can use it like any other function:

result = add_operator(num1, num2)


Consider evaluating the expression "1 + 1" using this approach:

first_num = 1
second_num = 1
add_operator = ops["+"]
result = add_operator(first_num, second_num)

print(result)  # Prints 2

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