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読みやすくするために JOptionPane ダイアログでテキストを折り返す方法

Susan Sarandon
Susan Sarandonオリジナル
2024-11-15 03:11:02755ブラウズ

How to Wrap Text in JOptionPane Dialogs for Better Readability?

Wrapping Text in JOptionPane Dialogs

When displaying error messages in a Java Swing application using JOptionPane, the width of the error dialog can extend excessively if the message is lengthy. This can make it difficult to read and understand the error message.

Solution: Using HTML Wrappers

JOptionPane uses a JLabel by default to render text, and labels can format HTML. To wrap the error message, you can set the maximum width for the text using CSS.


In this code, the message is wrapped within

tags with a maximum width of 200 pixels set via CSS.

Other Considerations

  • For more information on utilizing HTML in Swing components, refer to the resource "How to Use HTML in Swing Components."
  • The below example demonstrates how to use HTML in a JLabel:
JLabel label = new JLabel();

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