ホームページ  >  記事  >  バックエンド開発  >  Go で「:= の左側に新しい変数がありません」というエラーが表示されるのはなぜですか?

Go で「:= の左側に新しい変数がありません」というエラーが表示されるのはなぜですか?

Patricia Arquette
Patricia Arquetteオリジナル
2024-11-14 13:37:02882ブラウズ

Why Am I Getting a

Rewriting Code to Avoid "no new variables on left side of :=" Error

In this code, we witness an issue in the second statement, resulting in an error message "no new variables on left side of :=":

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {

    myArray  :=[...]int{12,14,26}  // Correct: Short declaration with assignment using ":"

    myArray  :=[...]int{11,12,14} // Error: Second assignment with ":" attempts to create a new variable
    fmt.Println(myArray) ;


To address this issue, it is crucial to comprehend that the colon symbol (:) is specifically employed during the initial declaration and assignment of a variable. In this case, the first statement is legitimate:

myArray  :=[...]int{12,14,26}   // Declaring and assigning an array with ":"

However, when re-assigning values to an existing variable, as attempted in the second statement, the colon should be removed:

myArray = [...]int{11,12,14}   // Re-assignment without ":"

In summary, remember to utilize the colon (:) only during the initial declaration and assignment of a variable. For subsequent re-assignments, rely on the equal sign (=). This modification would rectify the code and resolve the error.

以上がGo で「:= の左側に新しい変数がありません」というエラーが表示されるのはなぜですか?の詳細内容です。詳細については、PHP 中国語 Web サイトの他の関連記事を参照してください。

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