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JavaScript 関数に可変長の引数を渡すにはどうすればよいですか?

Patricia Arquette
Patricia Arquetteオリジナル
2024-11-13 10:55:02670ブラウズ

How Can I Pass Variable-Length Arguments to JavaScript Functions?

Passing Variable-Length Arguments to JavaScript Functions: Is it Possible?

In situations where the number of arguments is indeterminate, JavaScript offers the flexibility to call functions with a variable number of arguments. This feature mimics a commonly used pattern in languages like Python. However, it's worth noting that the handling of variable-length arguments differs between Python and JavaScript.

Python: Using *args

In Python, the args syntax allows functions to accept any number of arguments. When invoked, the args parameter collects all passed arguments into a tuple.

JavaScript: Using Apply and Spread Syntax (ES6+)

JavaScript functions can handle variable-length arguments through two methods:

  • apply() with an Array: The apply() method takes the this context as the first argument, followed by an array of additional arguments. Passing an array as the second argument emulates the Python *args functionality.
  • Spread Syntax: Introduced in ES6, the spread syntax (...) enables direct expansion of an array's elements as individual arguments when calling functions.


// ES5: apply()
function func() {
  for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
var arr = ['a', 'b', 'c'];
func.apply(null, arr); // Logs: 3 a b c

// ES6+: Spread Syntax
function func2(...args) {
  for (let arg of args) {
func2(...arr); // Logs: 3 a b c

Additional Notes:

  • Parameter Count Inspection: JavaScript functions provide a length property that indicates the expected number of arguments. However, the function still accepts variable-length arguments.
  • Converting the Arguments Object: The arguments object provided in JavaScript is not a genuine Array. To convert it, use Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments) or Array.from(arguments) (ES6+).
  • Setting this Context: Both the apply() method and spread syntax allow setting the this context of the function call.


JavaScript functions support variable-length arguments through apply() (ES5) or spread syntax (ES6+). This flexibility allows for concise and functional code in situations where the number of arguments is indeterminate.

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