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Linda Hamilton
Linda Hamiltonオリジナル
2024-10-22 13:07:03949ブラウズ

How to Compile Blade Templates from Strings in Laravel?

Compiling Blade Templates from Strings

It is possible to compile blade templates from strings rather than relying on view files. To do this, you can extend the existing BladeCompiler class and implement a custom method.

Extended BladeCompiler Class

<code class="php">namespace Laravel\Enhanced;

use Illuminate\View\Compilers\BladeCompiler as LaravelBladeCompiler;

class BladeCompiler extends LaravelBladeCompiler {

     * Compile blade template with passing arguments.
     * @param string $value HTML-code including blade
     * @param array $args Array of values used in blade
     * @return string
    public function compileWiths($value, array $args = array())
        $generated = parent::compileString($value);

        ob_start() and extract($args, EXTR_SKIP);

        // Include view contents for parsing within a catcher

        // Silent flush output buffer in case of exception
        catch (\Exception $e)
            ob_get_clean(); throw $e;

        $content = ob_get_clean();

        return $content;



You can use the extended compileWiths method to compile blade templates from strings:

<code class="php">$string = '<h2>{{ $name }}</h2>';
$compiled = BladeCompiler::compileWiths($string, array('name' => 'John Doe'));
echo $compiled;</code>

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