ホームページ >バックエンド開発 >Python チュートリアル >Django Rest Framework を使用したハイゼンベルクの狩猟
這個想法是為 DEA 特工創建一個簡單的平台,來管理《絕命毒師》/《風騷律師》宇宙中角色的資訊。為了讓 DEA 特工的工作變得更輕鬆,他們需要一個 API 端點,允許根據人物的姓名、出生日期、職業或他們是否是嫌疑人的事實來過濾有關人物的信息。
您可以在我的 GitHub 儲存庫中找到程式碼。
作為先決條件,您需要在系統上安裝 Docker 和 docker-compose。
首先,前往您的專案資料夾並複製 Breaking Bad API 儲存庫:
cd 破壞-bad-api
然後您需要建立 .env 文件,在其中放置以下變數的值:
POSTGRES_USER=heisenberg POSTGRES_PASSWORD=iamthedanger POSTGRES_DB=breakingbad DEBUG=True SECRET_KEY="<SECRET KEY>" DJANGO_ALLOWED_HOSTS=localhost [::1] SQL_ENGINE=django.db.backends.postgresql SQL_DATABASE=breakingbad SQL_USER=heisenberg SQL_PASSWORD=iamthedanger SQL_HOST=db<br /> SQL_PORT=5432
注意:如果需要,您可以使用 env_generator.sh 檔案為您建立 .env 檔案。這也會自動產生SECRET_KEY。要運行此文件,請先使用 chmod x env_generator.sh 授予其權限,然後使用 ./env_generator.sh
docker-compose 建置
docker-compose up
這將在 localhost:8000 啟動 Django 應用程式。要存取 API,URL 將為 localhost:8000/api。
Location | Longitude | Latitude |
Los Pollos Hermanos | 35.06534619552971 | -106.64463423464572 |
Walter White House | 35.12625330483283 | -106.53566597939896 |
Saul Goodman Office | 35.12958969793146 | -106.53106126774908 |
Mike Ehrmantraut House | 35.08486667169461 | -106.64115047513016 |
Jessie Pinkman House | 35.078341181544396 | -106.62404891988452 |
Hank & Marrie House | 35.13512843853582 | -106.48159991250327 |
import requests import json url = 'http://localhost:8000/api/characters/' headers = {'Content-Type' : "application/json"} response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, verify=False) if response.status_code == 200: data = response.json() print(json.dumps(data, indent=2)) else: print("Request failed with status code:", response.status_code)
[ { "id": 1, "name": "Walter White", "occupation": "Chemistry Professor", "date_of_birth": "1971", "suspect": false }, { "id": 2, "name": "Tuco Salamanca", "occupation": "Grandpa Keeper", "date_of_birth": "1976", "suspect": true } ]
要檢索單一角色,請將角色的 ID 傳遞給 enpoint。
GET /api/characters/{id}
您可以使用 POST 方法到 /characters/ 端點來建立新角色。
POST /api/characters/
{ "name": "string", "occupation": "string", "date_of_birth": "string", "suspect": boolean }
Parameter | Description |
name | String value for the name of the character. |
occupation | String value for the occupation of the character. |
date_of_birth | String value for the date of brith. |
suspect | Boolean parameter. True if suspect, False if not. |
Ordering of the characters can be done by two fields as parameters: name and date_of_birth
GET /api/characters/?ordering={name / date_of_birth}
Parameter | Description |
name | Order the results by the name field. |
date_of_birth | Order the results by the date_of_birth field. |
Additionally, you can add the parameter ascending with a value 1 or 0 to order the results in ascending or descending order.
GET /api/characters/?ordering={name / date_of_birth}&ascending={1 / 0}
Parameter | Description |
&ascending=1 | Order the results in ascending order by passing 1 as a value. |
&ascending=0 | Order the results in descending order by passing 0 as a value. |
To filter the characters, you can use the parameters in the table below. Case insensitive.
GET /api/characters/?name={text}
Parameter | Description |
/?name={text} | Filter the results by name. It can be any length and case insensitive. |
/?occupaton={text} | Filter the results by occupation. It can be any length and case insensitive. |
/?suspect={True / False} | Filter the results by suspect status. It can be True or False. |
You can also use the search parameter in the query to search characters and retrieve results based on the fields listed below.
GET /api/characters/?search={text}
To update a character, you will need to pass the {id} of a character to the URL and make a PUT method request with the parameters in the table below.
PUT /api/characters/{id}
{ "name": "Mike Ehrmantraut", "occupation": "Retired Officer", "date_of_birth": "1945", "suspect": false }
Parameter | Description |
name | String value for the name of the character. |
occupation | String value for the occupation of the character. |
date_of_birth | String value for the date of birth. |
suspect | Boolean parameter. True if suspect, False if not. |
To delete a character, you will need to pass the {id} of a character to the URL and make DELETE method request.
DELETE /api/characters/{id}
To retrieves all existing locations in the database.
GET /api/locations/
[ { "id": 1, "name": "Los Pollos Hermanos", "longitude": 35.065442792232716, "latitude": -106.6444840309555, "created": "2023-02-09T22:04:32.441106Z", "character": { "id": 2, "name": "Tuco Salamanca", "details": "http://localhost:8000/api/characters/2" } }, ]
To retrieve a single location, pass the locations ID to the endpoint.
GET /api/locations/{id}
You can use the POST method to /locations/ endpoint to create a new location.
POST /api/locations/
You will need to pass the following parameters in the query, to successfully create a location:
{ "name": "string", "longitude": float, "latitude": float, "character": integer }
Parameter | Description |
name | The name of the location. |
longitude | Longitude of the location. |
latitude | Latitude of the location. |
character | This is the id of a character. It is basically ForeignKey relation to the Character model. |
Note: Upon creation of an entry, the Longitude and the Latitude will be converted to a PointField() type of field in the model and stored as a calculated geographical value under the field coordinates, in order for the location coordinates to be eligible for GeoDjango operations.
Ordering of the locations can be done by providing the parameters for the longitude and latitude coordinates for a single point, and a radius (in meters). This will return all of the locations stored in the database, that are in the provided radius from the provided point (coordinates).
GET /api/locations/?longitude={longitude}&latitude={latitude}&radius={radius}
Parameter | Description |
longitude | The longitude parameter of the radius point. |
latitude | The latitude parameter of the radius point. |
radius | The radius parameter (in meters). |
Additionally, you can add the parameter ascending with values 1 or 0 to order the results in ascending or descending order.
GET /api/locations/?longitude={longitude}&latitude={latitude}&radius={radius}&ascending={1 / 0}
Parameter | Description |
&ascending=1 | Order the results in ascending order by passing 1 as a value. |
&ascending=0 | Order the results in descending order by passing 0 as a value. |
To filter the locations, you can use the parameters in the table below. Case insensitive.
GET /api/locations/?character={text}
Parameter | Description |
/?name={text} | Filter the results by location name. It can be any length and case insensitive. |
/?character={text} | Filter the results by character. It can be any length and case insensitive. |
/?created={timeframe} | Filter the results by when they were created. Options: today, yesterday, week, month & year. |
Note: You can combine filtering parameters with ordering parameters. Just keep in mind that if you filter by any of these fields above and want to use the ordering parameters, you will always need to pass longitude, latitude and radius altogether. Additionally, if you need to use ascending parameter for ordering, this parameter can't be passed without longitude, latitude and radius as well.
To update a location, you will need to pass the {id} of locations to the URL and make a PUT method request with the parameters in the table below.
PUT /api/locations/{id}
{ "id": 1, "name": "Los Pollos Hermanos", "longitude": 35.065442792232716, "latitude": -106.6444840309555, "created": "2023-02-09T22:04:32.441106Z", "character": { "id": 2, "name": "Tuco Salamanca", "occupation": "Grandpa Keeper", "date_of_birth": "1975", "suspect": true } }
Parameter | Description |
name | String value for the name of the location. |
longitude | Float value for the longitude of the location. |
latitude | Float value for the latitude of the location. |
To delete a location, you will need to pass the {id} of a location to the URL and make a DELETE method request.
DELETE /api/locations/{id}
以上がDjango Rest Framework を使用したハイゼンベルクの狩猟の詳細内容です。詳細については、PHP 中国語 Web サイトの他の関連記事を参照してください。