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データ構造とアルゴリズムのリンク リスト

Linda Hamilton
Linda Hamiltonオリジナル
2024-10-13 06:19:30953ブラウズ



我們不會僅以傳統的方式學習鍊錶;我們還將探討 Node 和 LinkedList 類別是什麼,以及可以對它們執行的所有操作。




1。節點結構: 鍊錶由節點組成,每個節點包含一個值和下一個節點的參考。探索節點的結構和屬性有助於理解鍊錶如何組織和儲存資料。
2. 頭與尾:鍊錶中的第一個節點稱為頭,最後一個節點稱為尾。了解頭節點和尾節點的特徵和功能對於高效遍歷和操作鍊錶至關重要。








  • 每個節點包含:
    • 資料(您要儲存的值)。
    • 下一個指針,指向序列中的下一個節點。
  • 最後一個節點的 next 指標為空,因為它後面沒有節點。

現實生活中的類比:箭 – 一旦射出箭,它就只能向前移動。

Data Structures & Algorithm Linked List

[Data | Next] -> [Data | Next] -> [Data | Next] -> null


  • 穿越
  • 搜尋
  • 長度
  • 插入:
    • 插入開頭
    • 插入最後
    • 插入到特定位置
  • 刪除:
    • 從頭開始刪除
    • 從末尾刪除
    • 刪除特定節點



讓我們建立一個 Node 類別

class Node {
  constructor(data) {
    this.data = data;
    this.next = null;

讓我們分解 Node 類別。

**Node 類別表示鍊錶中的每個單獨元素。每個節點包含兩個屬性:


- 資料: 它保存儲存在節點中的值(例如數字、字串或物件)。
- 下一個: 它保存指向鍊錶中下一個節點的引用(或指標)。最初,它被設定為 null,因為在建立節點時,它尚未連結到任何其他節點。


這是 JavaScript 類別中的一個特殊方法,在建立 Node 類別的新實例時呼叫。
this.next = null;最初將 next 屬性設為 null,因為在建立節點時,它尚未連接到任何其他節點。


let node1 = new Node(10); // Create a node with the value 10
console.log(node1.data);  // Output: 10
console.log(node1.next);  // Output: null (because it's not linked to any other node yet)

讓我們建立一個 SingleLinkList 類別

class SinglyLinkedList {
  constructor() {
    this.head = null; // Initially, the list is empty, so the head is null.
    this.size = 0; // The size is initially 0, as there are no nodes in the list.

  // Insert at the beginning
  insertAtBeginning(data) {
    let newNode = new Node(data); // Create a new node with the given data
    newNode.next = this.head; // The new node's next points to the current head
    this.head = newNode; // Update the head to be the new node
    this.size++; // Increment the size of the list

SinglyLinkedList 類別代表整個鍊錶結構。它管理多個 Node 對象,並提供了處理清單的方法,例如插入、刪除、遍歷節點等等


- Head: 這是對鍊錶的第一個節點(或「頭」)的引用。最初,它被設定為 null,這意味著列表為空。
- 大小: 這會追蹤鍊錶中目前有多少個節點。最初,它設定為 0,因為列表為空。



this.head = null;: This initializes the linked list with no elements, so the head points to null.
this.size = 0;: The size starts as 0 because there are no nodes in the list.

insertAtBeginning(data): for the sake of simplicity, later on, we will Deep Dive into the insertAtBeginning(data) method
let newNode = new Node(data);: This creates a new node with the value passed in as data.
newNode.next = this.head;: This links the new node to the current head (which could be nullif the list is empty or point to an existing node if the list has elements).
this.head = newNode;: This updates the head of the list to point to the new node, making it the first node in the list.
this.size++;: The size of the linked list is increased by 1 as a new node has been added.

let's Test

let list = new SinglyLinkedList();
list.insertAtBeginning(10); // List becomes: 10
list.insertAtBeginning(20); // List becomes: 20 -> 10
console.log(list.head.data); // Output: 20 (since the head is now the first node with value 20)
console.log(list.size);      // Output: 2 (since there are two nodes in the list)

Linked List deep dive Line by Line.

let's jump into the insertAtBeginning(data) method .

class Node {
  constructor(data) {
    this.data = data;   // Store the data value (like 10, 20, etc.)
    this.next = null;   // Initialize the next pointer as null

class SinglyLinkedList {
  constructor() {
    this.head = null;   // Initially, the list is empty, so the head is null
    this.size = 0;      // The size of the list starts at 0

  // Insert at the beginning of the list
  insertAtBeginning(data) {
    // Step 1: Create a new node with the given data
    let newNode = new Node(data); 

    // Explanation:
    // First time: If we insert 10, the newNode looks like this -> Node { data: 10, next: null }
    // Second time: If we insert 20, the newNode looks like this -> Node { data: 20, next: null }

    // Step 2: Point the new node's next property to the current head of the list
    newNode.next = this.head;

    // Explanation:
    // First time: Since the list is empty (this.head is null), newNode's next is set to null.
    // Second time: this.head is now the node with data 10, so newNode’s next will point to the node with data 10. 
    // So it looks like this: Node { data: 20, next: Node { data: 10, next: null } }

    // Step 3: Make the new node the new head of the list
    this.head = newNode;

    // Explanation:
    // First time: Now, the new node becomes the head. The list looks like this: Node { data: 10, next: null }.
    // Second time: The new node (with data 20) becomes the head, and it points to the previous head (which is the node with data 10).

    // Step 4: Increment the size of the list

    // Explanation:
    // First time: The size is now 1 because there is one node (data 10).
    // Second time: The size becomes 2 because we added another node (data 20).

// Example Usage:
let list = new SinglyLinkedList();
list.insertAtBeginning(10);  // First insertion: the list becomes [10]
list.insertAtBeginning(20);  // Second insertion: the list becomes [20 -> 10]


// Output:
// SinglyLinkedList {
//   head: Node { data: 20, next: Node { data: 10, next: null } },
//   size: 2
// }

Coming soon...

以上がデータ構造とアルゴリズムのリンク リストの詳細内容です。詳細については、PHP 中国語 Web サイトの他の関連記事を参照してください。

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