ホームページ >Java >&#&チュートリアル >機能の効果的なロギング
関数レベルのロギングをマスターすることは、ソフトウェア システム全体の包括的なロギングを理解して実装するための重要なステップです。機能の粒度レベルに焦点を当てることで、複雑なシステムへのスケールアップを容易にする強固な基盤を構築できます。
関数のログを作成する際に覚えておくべき 5 つの重要なポイントを次に示します。
ログ文字列内の必須要素: Timestamp、ApplicationName、FileName、FunctionName の組み込み、LEVEL、およびその他の関連詳細により、アプリケーションのログの有効性が大幅に向上します。これらの要素は重要なコンテキストを提供し、特にアプリケーションのデバッグや監視時にイベント フローを追跡しやすくします。目標は、プライバシーとセキュリティの考慮事項を尊重しながら、有益で役立つログを作成することであることを忘れないでください。
メッセージは以下を伝える必要があります: 意図されたアクション、アクションの開始者、入力と出力。
次の非構造化ログ エントリについて考えてみましょう:
2019-06-20T17:21:00.002899+00:00 myApp [c.d.g.UserRequestClass]: [getUser]: DEBUG: Fetching mailing list 14777 2019-06-20T17:21:00.002899+00:00 myApp [c.d.g.UserRequestClass]: [getUser]: DEBUG: User 3654 opted out 2019-06-20T17:21:00.002899+00:00 myApp [c.d.g.UserRequestClass]: [getUser]: DEBUG: User 1334563 plays 4 of spades in game 23425656
これらのエントリを JSON として構造化することで、読みやすさと解析の容易さが向上します。
2019-06-20T17:21:00.002899+00:00 myApp [c.d.g.UserRequestClass]: [getUser]: DEBUG: Fetching mailing list {"listid":14777} 2019-06-20T17:21:00.002899+00:00 myApp [c.d.g.UserRequestClass]: [getUser]: DEBUG: User opted out {"userid":3654} 2019-06-20T17:21:00.002899+00:00 myApp [c.d.g.UserRequestClass]: [getUser]: DEBUG: User plays {'user':1334563, 'card':'4 of spade', 'game':23425656}
import java.time.LocalDate; import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit; import java.util.List; import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; public class UserService { private static final Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(UserService.class); private Database database; public UserService(Database database) { this.database = database; } public int getTotalLikesInLast30Days(String userId) { logger.info("Request received to get all total likes in last 30 days for: {userId: " + userId + "}"); long startTime = System.nanoTime(); try { logger.debug("Fetching user with id: {userId: " + userId + "}"); User user = database.getUserById(userId); if (user == null || user.isDeleted() || user.isDeactivated()) { logger.warn("User not found or deactivated: {userId: " + userId + "}"); return 0; } LocalDate thirtyDaysAgo = LocalDate.now().minus(30, ChronoUnit.DAYS); logger.debug("Fetching posts for user since: {userId: " + userId + ", since: " + thirtyDaysAgo + "}"); List<Post> posts = database.getPostsByUserSince(user, thirtyDaysAgo); int totalLikes = 0; for (Post post : posts) { totalLikes += post.getLikes().size(); } long endTime = System.nanoTime(); // compute the elapsed time in nanoseconds long duration = (endTime - startTime); logger.info("Execution time: {timeInNanoseconds: " + duration + "}"); logger.info("Returning total likes in last 30 days for: {userId: " + userId + ", totalLikes: " + totalLikes + "}"); return totalLikes; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("An error occurred: {message: " + e.getMessage() + "}", e); return 0; } } }
2024-01-07 14:00:00,001 [INFO] UserService.java:10 [com.example.UserService] (getTotalLikesInLast30Days) : Request received to get all total likes in last 30 days for: {userId: 123} 2024-01-07 14:00:00,002 [DEBUG] UserService.java:12 [com.example.UserService] (getTotalLikesInLast30Days) : Fetching user with id: {userId: 123} 2024-01-07 14:00:00,010 [DEBUG] UserService.java:18 [com.example.UserService] (getTotalLikesInLast30Days) : Fetching posts for user since: {userId: 123, since: 2023-12-08} 2024-01-07 14:00:00,020 [INFO] UserService.java:26 [com.example.UserService] (getTotalLikesInLast30Days) : Execution time: {timeInNanoseconds: 19000000} 2024-01-07 14:00:00,021 [INFO] UserService.java:28 [com.example.UserService] (getTotalLikesInLast30Days) : Returning total likes in last 30 days for: {userId: 123, totalLikes: 999}
Post テーブルが存在しない場合など、例外が発生した場合は次のようになります。
2024-01-07 14:00:00,001 [INFO] UserService.java:10 [com.example.UserService] (getTotalLikesInLast30Days) : Request received to get all total likes in last 30 days for: {userId: 123} 2024-01-07 14:00:00,002 [DEBUG] UserService.java:12 [com.example.UserService] (getTotalLikesInLast30Days) : Fetching user with id: {userId: 123} 2024-01-07 14:00:00,010 [DEBUG] UserService.java:18 [com.example.UserService] (getTotalLikesInLast30Days) : Fetching posts for user since: {userId: 123, since: 2023-12-08} 2024-01-07 14:00:00,015 [ERROR] UserService.java:18 [com.example.UserService] (getTotalLikesInLast30Days) : An error occurred: {message: "Post table does not exist"}
Packages like log4j, slf4j, and many others can be used for better management of logs in large software programs.
Focusing on creating effective logs for each function can significantly improve the overall quality of logs for the entire software. This approach ensures that each part of the software is well-documented and can facilitate easier debugging and maintenance. Remember, a well-logged function contributes to a well-logged application.
Thank you for reading this blog. _Sayonara!
以上が機能の効果的なロギングの詳細内容です。詳細については、PHP 中国語 Web サイトの他の関連記事を参照してください。